My Family

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Fuyuhikos pov

"good morning daddy" I opened my eyes to see my gray haired daughter piko smiling at me.

"morning princess" I said kissing her on the nose. A trick that always makes her laugh.

It's been six years since since the hell of the neo world and now I live happily with my wife peko, my husband kazuichi and my two daughters piko and katari with a third child on the way.

I picked up my little girl and took her downstairs where my wife was cooking breakfast and my husband was fixing a bust pipe.

"daddy your awake" katari ran up and hugged my leg. She had pink hair just like kazuichi which made sense since she was kazzy biological daughter but I still loved her as my own.

"I woke him up!" piko said proudly.

"Well since you're all awake why don't you sit down for some breakfast" peko said with a smile.

We sat down, kazuichi looking more damp then usual and dug in.

"mommy whens our baby brother coming" katari asked.

"he should be coming in a couple months time" peko said gently patting her stomach.

"I can't wait to meet him" piko giggled.

"you and me both kid" kazuichi grinned.

Our cat suki came up and rubbed agenst our legs like she does every morning. I smiled to myself. I may have went through hell in the neo world but ended up with a family like this made it all worth it.

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