Cabin In The Woods

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Fuyuhikos pov

We just graduated from hopes peak two weeks ago and to celebrate our first step into adulthood we decided to spend our weekend in my familys cabin in the woods. We even invited those kids kokichi, Kiibo and miu  since they seemed nice.

We waited at the bus stop and picked them up. It was quite late by the time we got back so the six of us went to bed. We woke up the next morning to pekos delicious pancakes caused my girls the best cook in the world!

The other kids came running down later.

wow peko you're an amazing cook." kokichi complimented her.

"I know she's awesome!" kazuichi said with his mouth full. Peko smiled and ruffled his hair. it annoys me when peko treats me like a kid but kazu seems to love it.

Once breakfast was done we mostly did our own thing but at night peko made us hot chocolate and we wrapped ourselves in blankets, lit a fire and snuggled down on the couch. Yep being an adult sure feels great.

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