A Day With My Family

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Kazuichis pov

"Guys do we have all the baby stuff packed" I asked

"yep got it all here" fuyu said showing us the bag.

"ok good" peko picked our son up and placed him gently in the pram while he babbled adorably.

Peakos only been in our lives for two months and we already adore him. I expected the girls to get jealous of all the attention he was getting but it didn't seem to bother them at all. In fact they spoil their brother more than any of us!

Today we were taking our baby boy out for a walk in the park and a picnic later. The three of us were really excited since we haven't got out much since peako was born.

"Well let's get going!" fuyu said as she practically pushed us out the door.

The Park was especially beautiful with it's cherry blossom trees and koi fish. The girls seemed to agree as they ran over excitedly to feed them.

Fuyu bent down to help the girls feed the koi fish while peko set out the picnic. I decided to nurse peako for a while. He cuddled into my chest. I tickled his belly and he let out the most adorable giggle.

"ok picnic ready!" peko called.

We all came rushing over and ate the picnic together. It feels great to have a family.

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