Kokichi The Nanny Part 2

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Kokichis pov


"yeah I hear ya kid I'm coming!"

My names kokichi ouma. A couple of months ago I was a world famous thief. Now I'm the Yakusas nanny. You'd think I'd be upset or ashamed of this sudden change but honesty I've been quite happy. Natsumis a really sweet kid to take care of and her mother kazuichi simply adores me.

"hello dear I hope natsumi hasn't been too much trouble" kazuichi burst through the door as he usually does as this time.

"not at all. She's been a angle like usual" I giggled.

"that's good. I kinda miss taking care of her. I hope I'm not missing out on anything"

"don't worry you haven't" I said reassuringly. Natsumi cuddled into my chest. Kazuichi smiled at this action.

"she really likes you kokichi. I afraid one day she'll mistake you for her mother" he sighed

"oh that won't happen. Here do you want to hold her" I asked.

"oh I'd love too!" he talks as if it's my baby! He took natsumi out of my arms and cradled her, his eyes sparkling.

"I almost forgot what this feels like" he whispered. He petted my hair "you know kokichi your very naturally gifted at taking care of children. I think you'd make a wonderful mother someday"

"you really think so?" I muttered in surprise.

"of course! Don't sell yourself short kid! You've got a lot of potential you just gotta stop wasting it on petty crimes."

I was moved. No ones ever said such kind things to me before.

"Well I must be going I have alot of work to take care of goodbye" he handed natsumi to me and headed out the door.

"right good luck" I yelled to him and natsumi waved.

Kazuichis pov

I closed the door with a smile.

"you sure have taken a liking to our little theif" I turned around to see both fuyuhiko and peko behind me.

"Well I see potential in that boy. I think he can do good things if he's given the proper guidance"

"Well I agree with you but that might be because the kid reminds me of a younger version of myself" Fuyuhiko muttered.

Peko chuckled "Well enough talk about our nanny. We have a lot of work to finish"

Me and Fuyuhiko sighed and followed peko our home office.

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