Talent Swap Halloween

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Pekos pov

I sat in the decorating classroom waiting for my boyfriends. It was the 31st of October a.k.a Halloween. Our class was having a Halloween party and I was excited to see what costumes the boys would pick.

I was wearing a warewolf costume and my best friend nagito the ultimate swordman was wearing a samurai costume. He was also waiting for his best friend/boss ibuki.

"so do you think that Fuyuhiko and the young mistress will be ok on their own" nagito asked worriedly. They've been known to argue with each other since ibuki became the ultimate yakusa.

"don't worry nagito. kazuichis there too so they'll be fine." I said reassuringly

Just like that the three of them came through the door. Fuyuhiko was dressed in pj's, ibuki was dressed in kimono and kazuiki was dressed as a bunny.

"you look wonderful mistress" nagito said bowing.

"thank you nagito" ibuki replied.

"your a little bunny kazu? Guess that means I'll have to eat you up!" I said kissing his neck making him laugh. Fuyuhiko snuck up on us and tickled us. The three of us fell to the ground laughing as our teacher kyosuke gave us permission to start the party.

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