Kokichis Crush

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Kazuichis pov

I was talking a stroll when I noticed our nanny kokichi staring at something. When I got closer I realised it was our gardener gonta. A wide grin spread across my face.

"hey kokichi!" he jumped at the sound of my voice and spun around.

"oh hey kazu! I just put natsumi down for a nap so I thought I had time to-"

"check out our gardener?" he blushed madly.

"what no! No of course!"

"honey I was seventeen myself once and I can tell that creepy stalking usually indacate you like a person" I chuckled.

He signed "he just so nice to me. Nicer than most people are"

"why don't you ask him out?" I suggested.

"he wouldn't want to go out with me" he sighed.

"you don't know that! Tell you what kid I'll give you the day off so you two will have plenty of time to spend together"

"that's very nice of you" kokichi smiled greatfully "oh I'll do it!"

He took a deep breath and marched over to gonta.

I chuckled. Kokichi may have been a world class thief but at the end of the day he's still a teenage boy!

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