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Fuyuhikos pov

I woke up the next morning to find my neko boyfriend missing and nothing but blood and scratch marks left behind. I was panicking but peko was quick to calm me down.

"we'll get him back Fuyuhiko and we'll make the people who took him suffer" she said reassuringly.

"your right thanks peko" I said hugging my girlfriend.

I ordered my yakusa men to look for him and kill whoever took my sweet innocent neko. A few agonising hours later one of them called back saying they found him. He was captured by the same men he escaped from before and was too panicked to come with them.

Me and peko rushed over to the area there were keeping kazuichi at. My yakusa crew had already killed everyone that was working there. They told me that these men had Kidnapped other animal hybrids along with kazuichi and I ordered them to release them.

We walked into the locked room they kept kazuichi in and my heart broke. Kazuichi was in the corner with multiple dark burses all over his exposed body. He was shaking violently and sobbing uncontrollably.


He looked up in surprise "Fuyu? Peko?" he whimpered.

We ran over and hugged him. He burst into tears "they wouldn't stop hitting me. There were really angry that I ran away and I was scared I'd never see you both again"

I gently petted his ears "hush baby your ok. Everything will be ok now"

"your safe now kitten I promise" peko said reassuringly.

Once the neko calmed down I picked him up and carried him home. Natsumi burst into tears once she saw him and pulled him into a hug.

The three of us kept him close that night as if we were afraid that if we took our eyes off him he'd dissappear.

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