First Date (talentswap Au)

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Fuyuhikos pov

Today me and peko were taking that cute dancer out on a date where hoped to win his heart. We both decided that the best place to go was a concert since we all loved music. We booked the tickets online and hopped on a bus to our date site.

"I'm really excited. I've never been to a concert before" kazuichi said excitedly.

"you've never been to a concert before?" peko said looking surprised. Honestly I was too, most kids our age had been to at least one concert.

"mmm well my familys quite poor as I've mentioned. We can't afford luxuries like seeing a concert" wow that really sucks.

"Well we'll make sure you're first concerts really fun kazzy" I said patting his head.

"hehe thanks Fuyu!" Fuyu. That's so cute!

We arrived at the place, had a quick snack and headed towards our seats. We got a really high place where we could see everything and there weren't many people so when the band started playing we totally jamed out!

Once the concert was finished we walked to the bus and sat down on our seats. Both kazuichi and peko fell asleep on each of my shoulders and it crossed my mind how lucky I was to have two cuties fall asleep on me! But I did have to wake them up when we arrived at kazuichis place.

We walked him down and he gave us both a kiss on the cheek.

"thanks for showing me a good time" he said blushing slightly.

Me and peko high-fived each other, proud of ourselves for scoring ourselves a new boyfriend.

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