Play Date

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Kokichis pov

Two years later

Today my boss has planned to have a play date with all of natsumis new friends and of course I'm the one in charge of all these peoples kids! I just hope I can pull this off.

The first to arrive was nagito with his son nouki.

"if your having any trouble please do not hesitate to contact me" nagito said.

"ok thanks nagito"

He turned to his purple haired boy "goodbye my shinning hope. I'll pick you up at five"

"ok daddy" the boy said timidity.

The kids played together for a few minutes then there was another knock on the door.

This time it was a man named hajime and his gothic daughter hanna.

"hi we're here to drop hanna off. Thank you so much for inviting her to this playdate." the brunette said happily.

"oh it's no problem at all! I promise she's in good hands."

"she better be!" the gothic looking man said threateningly.

"gundam that's enough" hajime scolded "I'm sorry he's quite protective over our daughter"

"I understand I'm quite protective over my girl too"

"thanks for understanding. We'll be leaving our daughter to you now" I nodding and they left.

Lastly a women named akane and her son Sora showed up.

"hey little dude my names akane and this is my wife sonia." she grinned

"We're  happy our Sora managed to make friends he's quite shy." Sonia explained

"oh I see" I got down on my knees and smiled at him "don't worry sora I promise everyone here's very nice!"

He nodded hiding behind his mother's leg. Akane patted him on the head.

"go on little man go play with your friends" he nodded and ran in.

We said our goodbyes and I walked back in. I looked over at the kids. Honestly I expected them to be bouncing off the walls but they were sitting in the living room playing quietly. Sure natsumi was a hyper kid but the others were really good at keeping her calm. Before I knew it it was lunch time.

"come on kiddos it's time for lunch!" I called. The kids came running up excitedly. They thanked me for the food and started eating. Once they were finished there was a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal all the parents worried faces.

"did everything go ok?"

"no one got hurt did they?"

"did they give you any trouble?"

Before I could answer the kids came running up to their parents, talking about how great today was. They all smiled at me. I guess that means I did good.

I walked back in to see a tired looking natsumi.

"did you have fun baby?" I asked.

"yep" she yawned.

I picked up the tired girl "I think it's time for your nap"

I tucked him into bed and she fell asleep almost immediately. I kissed his forehead gently. "I'm glad you had fun baby. Sweet dreams.

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