First Kicks

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Fuyuhikos pov

It's been a couple of months since I accidentally got one of my staff pregnant and alot has happened since then. For one he moved in with us so I can properly support the baby and since his family won't last long without his support we paid them a huge sum of money. They're living comfortably now which makes young kazuichi very happy.

Peko had also become very protective over the young boy and in turn kazuichi adore peko. He was always cuddling her when I saw them together. I felt a little jealous but I didn't have a right to be. I caused this.

Right now they were sitting in the garden making flower crowns. Since kazuichi joined the family he's been wearing a blue kimono. I insisted on it since I wanted him to be more comfortable. He placed the flower crown on peko head and beamed. Peko patted him on the head with a gentle smile. After a while kazuichi turned around and waved.

"hey sir you've been standing there for a while now. Do you want to join us?" I jumped. He knew I was there the whole time!? I nodded and walked over to them.

"you noticed fuyuhiko?" peko said also looking surprised "I didn't even notice him"

"Well I live in a pretty dangerous area so I just kinda learned to always be aware of my surroundings. I can pretty much spot anyone who is hiding" he said proudly.

"that's terrible" I muttered. Poor kid. Sounds like he had a rough life.

"it's fine. It's nothing compared to my friend akane." kazuichi said dismissavly "I like to think that no matter how terrible your life is someone else always has it worse so you should be grateful for what you have" I feel like he's calling me out.

"that's a good way to think kazuichi" peko said petting his head "you know your skill would be quite useful in sword fighting. Maybe once the baby is born I can teach you"

"really" his eyes lit up

"really" peko smiled gently at the boy. I could tell she's become very fond of him.

"waahooo-ow" he jumped in the air in excitement but immediately fell to his knees in pain.

"kazuichi are you ok?"

"talk to me kid what's wrong!?"

We were both scared shitless but kazuichi was smiling.

"guys I think the babies kicking" peko immediately placed her hand on his stomach.

"indeed the child is kicking" she looked like a proud mother.

Kazuichi looked over at me "do you want to feel sir?"

I held my hands to my chest suddenly feeling afraid. Kazuichi took my hand and gently smiled at me. Such endearing eyes. There's no way I can say no.

I placed my hand on his stomach and felt the baby kicking. I felt a goofy grin spread across my face. That's my baby. And I'm going to protect it no matter what!

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