Adoption Au

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Fuyuhikos pov

Me and my partners kazuichi and peko have been married for two years and have just discovered that our wife peko can't have kids of her own. We were heartbroken for a while until our close friends hajime and nagito suggested we adopt. They both adopted a little boy named rantaro a few years ago and they're lives have been better ever since.

So here we are at the adoption centre. After going through months of paperwork they finally offered up the choice of three children. A small boy named kokichi, a spiky haired boy named kaito and a pigtailed girl named maki. In the end we couldn't choose between them and decided to adopt all three of them.

The boys immediately ran up and hugged us while maki stayed back watching us. I guess she's a bit wary of us. We put them in the car and drove them to their new home.

We had a room set up for them so the kids played in their new room while me and my partners rested feeling mentally exhausted.

"so we're finally parents" kazuichi grinned.

"yeah" I sighed "about goddamn time" the others laughed at my response.

Just as we were about to fall asleep we heard a knock on the door. The door opened revealing maki with kaito and kokichi hiding behind her.

"kaitos afraid of the shadows in our room, kokichi can't sleep without his dice plushie and I can't sleep with all their complaining" maki said bluntly "so can we please sleep with you?"

I sighed "fine just for tonight"

The kids giggled and jumped into bed with us and just like that our first night as a family was spent with three adorable kids snuggled under the blankets with us.

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