Uncle Fuyuhiko

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Fuyuhikos pov

I paced back and forth nervously. My sister is in there having a baby. Her husband sat next to me nervously twiddling his thumbs.

"hey Big Bro do you think she'll be ok?" he asked.

"kid my sisters tough as nails. She'll be fine" I said reassuringly.

"thanks big bro" he smiled.

Kazuichis taking care of our son so it's just me, peko and my brother in law yoshi. I'm gonna be honest I'm worried about my baby sister but I know she can get though this. This is natsumi we're talking about after all.

After what felt like forever a nurse came out.

"the baby has arrived would you like to meet them?" we nodded and walked in


We were immediately met with the crys of a tiny baby.

"Congratulations it's a girl!"

I looked at her. She had gorgeous blue eyes and fluffy red hair like her dad.

"she beautiful you did good kid!" I said patting her on the shoulder.

"thanks" she said weakly. God it must have been rough if she can't even insult me!

"what have you planned to name her?" peko asked.

"we're going to call her sakura."  natsumi replied.

"I see" peko said.

I looked down at my neice that I've already fallen in love with. This is it. This is the start of something wonderful.

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