Baby Brother

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Fuyuhikos pov

I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when I heard peko scream.

"fuyuhiko my water broke!"

Shit! I ran up the stairs to find peko on her knees shaking.

"easy baby it's gonna be ok. I'll get you to the hospital." I picked her up and carried her out to the car with the girls close behind.

Unfortunately Kazzys at work so I'm going to have to drive to the hospital. I'm not very confident in my driving abilities but I'll do my best. I have to do my best for peko and the babies sake.

I got us to the hospital in one piece and took peko inside. They took her away and told me to wait outside. I decided to take this moment to call Kaz.

After a few rings he picked up "hello"

"hey kaz I'm going to need you to come to the hospital pekos in labour"

"what!? Ok hang tight I'll be there soon!" he hung up.

After a few minutes kaz came running up.

"hey baby you doing ok? I know it must have been scary on your own" he sounded guilty.

"nah it was fine. I'm just a bit mentally exhausted from the whole thing"

He pulled me on his lap "sleep. I'll wake you when it's all over" I nodded and shut my eyes.

I was later shook awake by my shark tooth husband. "its time hun the baby's here"

Peko was lying in bed with a gray haired red eyed baby boy on her chest. he was the cutest thing I ever layed eyes on.

"isn't he beautiful?" peko said "his name is peako"

"that's a wonderful name darling" kazuiki said kissing her head.

I sat on the bed and gently ran my hand through peakos soft gray hair. It was one of those rare moments where I felt happy. For once in my sad misable life I felt happy and its all thanks to them. I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

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