I'll Protect You

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Fuyuhikos pov

"kazuichi talk to me damnit!"

Me and peko had noticed kazuichi coming into school with bruses. Today he came in with a black eye and I've had enough!

"please fuyu I'm fine I ju-"

"bullshit! Now tell me the truth!"

"young master please come with me" peko grabbed me and dragged me behind a corner.

"what the hell peko!" I yelled annoyed that she had interrupted my interagation.

"I believe that kazuichi problems lie at his home. I think we should follow him home and figure out the truth for ourselves"

"that's a good idea" I said thankful for my level headed girlfriend. "if anyones hurting our boy I'll drag them to hell myself!"

"as will I" peko said with intestaty in her eyes that I love. There was only two people she got this worked up over and that was me and kazuichi.

We stalked kazuichi to his home. Ok that sounds pretty creepy but it was for his own good. We peeked through the window and got the shock of our lives.

Kazuichi was laying on the floor covered in blood while his own father stood over him and kicked him in the stomach. I was bubbling over in anger. Without hesitation I pulled out my shotgun and shot him in the head.

Kazuichi screamed and backed into the corner petrified. Peko was quick to jump through the window and approach him.

"shhh it's ok kazuichi we're not going to hurt you. Your safe now" she said hugging the battered boy.

I picked up the phone and called one of my yakusa boys "I need you to depose of a body in 34 yuka Street"

"yes sir we'll be there as soon as possible"

"good and bring a med kit" I hung up without explaining myself. I walked up to kazuichi and petted his head.

"it's gonna be ok kid cause we'll protect you no matter what"

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