Escaping The Neo World Program

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Kazuichis pov

"we'll believe in hope no matter what happens!" hajime yelled as the world around us broke.

The last survivors were me, fuyuhiko, peko, Sonia, akane and hajime. We had found out alot of horrible things about ourselves but we had new hope that we could change our ways and bring all our friends back.

"guys I'm kinda scared" I muttered.

Fuyuhiko and peko each took one of my hands. The others quickly followed their lead and we made a circle together. We closed our eyes as our world collapsed.

*Two years later*

"hajime its not working I think its time to give up" Fuyuhiko tried to reason with him. We've been trying to wake our friends up for two years but they only one we had success with was mikan. Probably because her avatar took the least amount of damage.

"no fuyuhiko we can bring them back if we keep trying!" hajime insisted.

"look we all have people we want to bring back but it's been two fucking years! It's just cruel to keep them alive at this point!"

"but chiaki" he said weakly. Mikan walked up to him and hugged him

"I know it hurts hajime. Chiaki was one of the only people who was nice to me. Why did she have to die!" she started sobbing in his chest. Hajime hugged her back and fell to his knees crying.

Fuyuhiko sighed and turned to us "pack your bags you two we're leaving" we nodded sadly.

We turned the life support mechines off and gave everyone a funeral at japperwork lsland. Once that was over we bourded the ship looking over sadly at the friends we had lost.

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