Chapter 65

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The others slink out of the room with Tray being the last to leave. Their voices could be heard being carried down the hallways and stairs.

Dimitri kisses my cheek then stands. While looking down at me he say, "better get up and get down there before there is no food left." He throws me a boyish smile. Seems we are already back on better terms then the night before and I couldn't be happier I hate fighting with him.

My anxiety causes me to ask, "are we okay?" I bite my lip worriedly awaiting his response and pluck at the blanket refusing to meet his gaze. I was being a coward I know, but a part of my was afraid he would say we weren't okay.

"Skylar," he says gently drawing my attention to him and what I saw in his eyes took my breath away. There was no angry or malice hidden in their depths only concern and love. He takes my face in his hand, "we were okay last night baby. Was I mad? Sure," he says with a shrug. "Did I say some untruths last night? Yes." 

He sighs and sits back down on the bed and takes my hand. I tilt my head to the side not sure on what he was implying. "I had told you that I would leave you if you ever lied to me about your health again, but that was a lie. We would talk it out just like we did last night. But I begging you to not keep things from me again." His last sentence held so much anguish I was almost brought to tears.

"I love you," I whisper putting all the love I feel for this man in those three words. He says he doesn't deserve me, but these are the moments I feel like I don't deserve him. We make quite a pair the two of us, but that could be why we work. Neither one of us takes the other for granted.

He says I'm his rock, but he's mine to. I don't think I would be as strong dealing with all of this as I am if it wasn't for him. He's always been there in my life even when we weren't on talkin terms. All I had to do was reach out to him and he was always there no matter what was going on in his life or if he was involved with someone.

"How are you dealing with everything?" I ask him running my fingers over the back of his hand.

"Currently I'm in denial." He looks out towards the window. "Ask me that question when we get back to the house. Let's just pretend nothing is wrong and enjoy you meeting my family. Okay?"

"Dimitri," I sigh, "you can't hide your head in the sand."

He returns his broken gaze to me. "Skylar I'm still processing all of this and my head isn't wrapped around it yet. Plus I really want to talk to my dad. I need to talk to my dad." I remember in the past him mentioning how how dad was his major confidant other than me. He kisses my fingers, "I promise when we get home we can have this conversation. Till then please let us just enjoy some normalcy."

"I can do that," I say smiling up at him. "But you can't hide from this for forever that isn't healthy," he nods his head in agreement. "I really do feel better today and was not just saying that to Tray," I tell him hoping to dilute some of his worry.

"Good," he stands and offers me his hand, "now let's go see what the children are getting into because the house suddenly got oddly too silent." 

I take his hand and leave the bed, "and that can't be a good thing." He shakes his head no and smiles. I glance down at my clothes and decide I need to throw on a hoodie over my tank top and a pair of sweatpants over my shorts. "I'll be down in a minute just want to throw on some clothes."

Dimitri rakes his gaze over me causing me to shiver in pleasure at the hunger I can see in his eyes. "I'd hate for you to cover up, but even though they are my brothers I don't want them seeing you like that." And there is the cave man once again. He sends me a wink then walks out the door. 

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