Dimitri's POV (Chapters 70 - 72)

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Skylar remains on the phone with the doctor office for a bit, but I can no longer focus on her side of the conversation. Instead all I can hear is a roaring in my ears and the sentence I'm going to lose her continues to play over and over in my head. We have only found each other and now we are facing a major difficulty. But no matter what I will remain by her side. She is the one for me.

We may not be married, but I will be by her side in sickness and in health. If she tries to push me way because she thinks her not being in my life will be the better option I will fight to stay with her. This sickness will not take her for me and nor will our relationship suffer.

Skylar ends the phone call and remains sitting in a daze. Her eyes have a vacancy to them and her tears fall like a waterfall. I move from my seat and kneel in front of her, needing to step up and be her rock. The tears fall one after another and I continuously wipe them away. I ask her to please tell me what is going on, but she can't seem to get the words out and stares at her phone.

"Baby," I press using a stronger tone hoping the nickname will bring her back to me. She turns her blank eyes to me and I cup her face in my hands thinking maybe the physical contact will trigger a response. "Can you please tell me what the phone call was about?" I ask gently when what I really want to so is shake her and demand answers.

I drop my head when she doesn't respond trying to come up with another plan to reach her. "That was the doctor office," she explains in a broken voice. I refocus my attention on her. "They want to see me."

The time for answers has finally arrived, but my first thought is wanting to hide my head in the sand. I glance off to the side so Skylar can see the guilt in my eyes over my thoughts. Tears gather behind my eyes. So much for being her rock. "When," I state with no emotion.

"She said she can squeeze me in today in about an hour," she informs me. Skylar starts to shiver out of nowhere. The shock of what we are about to face must be setting in.

Needing my own space for a moment I stand turn my back towards her. I will be her rock in a moment. Right now I need a split second of not being strong. Without her saying a word I can tell she is not pleased by my reaction, but this is uncharted waters for me.

I can hear Aubree's muffled words to her cousin putting an abrupt end to our conversation. Layla will more than understand why we would not wish to continue at this time. Talking to her about Skylar's and my relationship is not high on my priority list at the moment.

Since Layla is a good friend I'll call her later and make sure she got enough information for the article and if not I will answer any questions she may still have lingering. She is doing this article as a favor to us and I don't want to put her in a bind.

My thoughts drift back to Skylar. When we leave here and head into the doctor's office we are either going to be walking out ecstatic or destroyed. There is no middle ground. The thoughts in my head swirl around and around each worse than the one before.

I'm not sure I can deal with this, but I don't have a choice because the only other choice would be to leave her and I will never do that. I would be better off ripping the heart from my chest than leaving her. Nothing in life prepares you for this. Fucking cancer. Fuck you.

Fuck the hell you put not only the person through, but their loved ones. My heart bleeds for anyone suffering through this fucking disease. No one should have to endure the shit they have to go through. And now the love of my life is more than likely about to join their ranks.

She is about to join the fight. I only pray she is able to fight through and come out on the other side. Her leaving me is not an option on the table. We will fight this together till the end.

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