Chapter 20

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As I ride Renegade around the arena I can feel Dimitri's eyes on me. I sit taller in my western saddle wanting to impress him with my skills. After a few laps of trotting around the arena and guiding Renegade through some circle work I cue him to canter. I really love to canter Renegade around the arena.

When I slow him down to a walk I glace to the middle of the arena and notice Addison has once again engaged him into a conversation. She has dismounted off Mercury and is standing extremely close to Dimitri. As I stand there I watch as Addison puts her hand on his chest. Her actions don't surprise me, but Dimitri not pulling away does. Thought I was the only one for him. So much for him wanting to watch me ride. Normally I don't care for people watching me, but I had really wanted to impress Dimitri. Yet, he was more interested in Addison. Why do I keep putting myself in these situations with him?

Now she is rubbing his chest and he is letting her! If she is what he wants then she is welcomed to him. At least I found out where I stand with him before I left on tour. I was able to survive through the last heartbreak he caused me and this one will be no different. Hope she can make him happy. I'm not going to be second to other girls in our relationship or the girl that is starved for the little attention her man sends her way. I deserve better than that.

Without saying a word to Dimitri I walk Renegade around the arena till he is cool. I didn't overly work him so it doesn't take too long. Once I figure he is cool enough to go back to his stall I stop in the middle to discover both Addison and Dimitri are gone.

That didn't take long for him to replace me. But why her of all people? Better to know now then later down the road I guess. Not to mention losing him to Addison shows me that I could have easily lost him to any of the women that throw themselves at him because Addison has nothing on them.

Fighting back tears I lead Renegade to his stall. We walk past Mercury in his stall and still no sign of Dimitri. Not wanting to face everyone in the club house I take my time unsaddling and brushing Renegade.

Today was suppose to be a day about us. A day we got to actually hang out and spend some time together before we got on the tour bus. So much for that. Now I'm not so sure I even want to go with him. I can't stand to the side and watch him flirt with other women and heaven forbid I catch him in bed with another women. My heart would not be able to deal with something like that.

Some tears leak from my eyes and I hastily wipe them away. He will not see me cry over him again. I rest my forehead on Renegade's neck trying to pull together what little strength I have left. Not wanting to dally more then I already have I leave Renegade and head towards the door to the club house.

Before I open the door I stop and prepare myself for the scene I'm sure to find on the other side. When I open this door Dimitri's and my relationship will be over. At least I got to have a couple days of happiness before I'm forced to live in my despair. Thankfully I'm on summer vacation and will have time to lick my wounds before school starts in the fall. No way am I going on tour with him now. Not after this.

I can see how the tour will go. I'll be locked away in the tour bus while he is out entertaining other women. The time spent alone on the bus will break me more than what I already am. Then when he finally gives me some attention I'll be so desperate for it I'll readily forgiven him.

Taking a deep breath I open the door and walk inside. Instantly I scan the room for Dimitri and find him sitting in the booth with Addison close to his side. Ricky is sitting across from them. And so the heartache begins. She catches me staring and sends me a satisfied smirk.

"Skylar over here," Dimitri calls me over. Not sure what to do I trudge over to them and slide into the open seat next to Ricky. I catch Addison's glare as I sit down. Why is she glaring at me when she has so clearly won?

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