Chapter 3

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When we enter the country themed bar, Travis instantly snags a table and our group sits down. I grab the seat at the end of the table, with Vanessa on my left and Keith straight across from me.

"How do you know Alex?" Keith asks me.

"I bored my horse at the barn with everyone else."

He nods his head and engages the person next to him in conversation. This gives me the opportunity to give him the once over. He's built with dark brown hair and a slight beard.

"Cute ain't he?" Vanessa whispers in my ear.

"He's not bad." I answer her.

"I know I know he's no Dimitri." She responds with not taking her eyes off Keith.

"Shhhh, you're the only one who knows I know him." I remind her trying to keep my voice down. "And he only sees me as a friend."

"There seems to be a problem." Keith inputs into our conversation.

"And what might that be?" I ask him offering a sly smile.

"You have nothing to drink in front of you. What would you like?" He asks leaning in closer to me.

"You don't need to buy me a drink." On its own my voice drops down an octave. Why am I flirting with him?

"You could buy me one." Vanessa butts in and slightly pushes me to the side. Hmmm I wonder if she has a thing for Keith.

"Alright ladies what would you like?" Keith asks us sitting back farther in his chair.

"Anything fruity for me please." I inform him. "Surprise me," is Vanessa's response.

Keith stands and strides over to the bar. We both admire him as he walks away.

"This is the second time I've hung out with him." Vanessa tries to brag.

"That's cool." I respond with. Not sure how else I could have responded to her comment. A silence lapses between us as we wait for him to return.

Thankfully he comes back to the table quickly and sets a drink down in front of each of us and himself.

"Thank you." I tell him as I take a sip from my drink. The taste of alcohol is nowhere to be found. Either this place is skimpy or this is a dangerous combination.

"What do you do for a living?" I ask Keith.

"Currently Im in school right now to be an electrician, but I also work at my dad's friend's hardware store. You?"

"I'm a teacher. I teach middle school math." A new spark of interest lights his eyes. This is nothing new. The male gender has a odd fascination with teachers. I get this reaction more than I care to admit.

"I'm a dog washer." Vanessa inputs. Then with embarrassment adds, "But you already knew that." She turns bright red. I take another drink.

She must really be crushing on him hard. I've never seen her this tong tied before. This is quickly becoming more of an eventful night than I thought it would be.

The conversation and the drink flow freely. I decide to stop trying to impress Keith and let Vanessa shine. Instead I continue to just act myself and have a great time.

Eventually, I excuse myself from the table and head to the washroom. As I'm returning Travis corners me.

"Skyler can we talk for a second?"

"Sure." I respond with confused.

"Alex commented that she thinks you have a thing for Keith."

"He's hot. I won't deny that, I shrug my shoulders, but I think Vanessa likes him."

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