As The Years Went By

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General narration

M o d e r n

5 years old

As little ally and hayden skipped down the path on their way home,They saw a five cent coin in their way. Well, not in their way but it was just there .

"WOAHHH! Look Hayden! We're rich!" Exclaimed mini Ally.

Hayden rolled his eyes and just replied irritably."Come on Ally! Our parents will be worried. They thought we went to play in the playground! But NOOO! Ally needed to take the long way around."

They both rolled their eyes and proceeded to the house which both of their parents shared. Ally's and Hayden's Parents lived in the same house with them.

The two were inseperable.

10 years old

Ally and Hayden were returning home one day from school. The path they would normally take was under construction so they turned the corner and again, they came across that same coin five years before.

It didn't even move.

"Weird. It's still here." Exclaimed Hayden.

"Yeah. I need to get some homework done so lets keep going." Ally huffed. She was in a bad mood, as she kicked a pebble away.

Neither of them thought about it again.

15 years old

Ally was coming home alone from school one day. Hayden had extra classes, so she went home without him.

She had had a fight with her parents so she didn't really want to go home.
So she took the longer way and took a stroll back.

A tear escaped her eye as she thought about the fight with her parents.
Soon enough, she came across the same coin.

She tilted her head and just said to herself." Why is it still here?"

She shook it off and took her time to walk home, not giving it a second thought.

20 years old

Hayden And Ally were boyfriend and girlfriend now, they both realised that they were actually perfect for each other.

They held hands as they walked down the pathwalk from their work places.

They didn't notice it but the five cents was still there!

25 years old

Hayden and Ally are now married.

Even when they were at their wedding, the five cents still remained on that pathwalk and no one even gave a thought about it.

A huge wedding was organized and Ally's gown was to die for. Their vows were said and they were finally bonded for life.

30 years old

Ally and Hayden had their first child.
There was a baby shower and the mood was joyous. Little did they know, that that five cents remained on that pavement.

40 years old

Hayden and Ally have a beautiful girl named Affinity, aged 10.

It doesn't matter what happened next.

Because everyone knows That they will always be together.

the five cents represented their long lasting relationship.

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