Eret (1)

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Hi everyone. Not sure if you have read the parts titled "Torn" which are earlier chapters in this book. I've unpublished both parts and decided to take it somewhere else (in terms of story direction) so look out for "Torn 2.0" because i've had many requests to finish it over the years. That is all please continue and enjoy !!! 🖤

Astrid's pov

"That was a bloody good rescue if I might add." Eret grinned, dismounting skullcrusher as he sauntered toward the rest of us.

I stroked Stormfly's head gently as I looked over my shoulder to find Eret already grinning over at me.

"Astrid you were amazing; that tactic to sink their ships? Brilliant." He gushed.

I nodded in thanks and turned my attention back to Stormfly.

"I mean-who else thought it was?" Eret asked out loud; earning akward glances from the twins and Fishlegs.

Snotlout cocked an eyebrow and shook his head discretely as he rolled his eyes.

And Hiccup....Hiccup was frowning; his knuckles were white as he clenched onto Toothless's sadle tightly.

He had no idea how to react and I felt so bad for him in that moment. My boy was too kind to call Eret out in the open.

"Well it was pretty amazing." Fishlegs cleared his throat, which eased up the tension a little.

My face was burning and I felt like screaming. It was obvious that Eret had a crush on me and it had definitely not gone unoticed by Hiccup.

"If that'd be all, i'm on my way." Eret sent me a wink before walking off with Skullcrusher closely behind him.

Once he was out of earshot; all of us let out a collective breath as we gathered together.

"That was probably the most painful thing I had to endure." Snotlout commented.

"Ever?" Ruffnut asked, smirking.

"Well...this year...okay, month. Nevermind; week." Snotlout groaned as Ruffnut snickered.

"Eret really doesn't get the hints; does he?" Fishlegs frowned.

I looked up from the ground to find Hiccup's eyes. He looked visibly upset and refused to look into my eyes as he clenched his fists.

"Guys can we um...have some time alone?" I asked, with a pleading look, resting my hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

Snotlout smacked Tuffnut on the back of his head."lets go muttonheads!"
Fishlegs gave me an encouraging smile before catching up with the others and their dragons.

Stormfly and Toothless trailed behind us as we began to walk slowly.

I sighed. "You haven't said a word."

He finally looked up at me as he replied. "Just feeling unsure."

"Hiccup, Eret just has a little crush. Nothing I can't handle." I shrugged lightly. "I dealt with Snotlout for Thor's sake!"

"But that's different." He said. "You would never go for Snotlout, Eret on the other hand; he looks like the perfect viking."

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Astrid I...don't know how to say this." He shook his head slightly and sighed.

I hated when Hiccup felt this way.

"Baby," I started.

"I belong to you and you belong to me. That's how it works and that's how it will always, always, work. I didn't fall in love with you because of the way you look. No way. I fell in love with a boy who was passionate in everything that he did. He who was kind, loving and so, so caring. I don't care if you aren't as strong as a yak or as thin as a stick! I fell in love with you; your soul."

I had grabbed his hands prior to my little speech and he was looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"Eret will never come between us. Don't let him get under your skin. Trust me."
I smiled.

"Who doesn't want a little fishbone for a boyfriend?" I laughed, caressing his cheek.

I managed to get him to laugh as well.

Hiccup finally sraightened himself and brought me close by a firm grip on my waist. Our faces were literally centimeters apart as he spoke.

"I fell in love with your fierce spirit because I was certain you were my missing piece. Without you...I would be lost. You're my light in a dark place Hofferson, never forget that you're mine."

Hiccup dove into a kiss I had never felt from him before. His kisses were always sweet and gentle; but this was a whole 'nother level. It was hot and passionate as he tilted his head to the side to have better access. He moved his lips in synch with mine as we made out the most passionate we had ever.

I opened my eyes a tiny bit while Hiccup was kissing my neck, to find Toothless already grinning up at me.

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