New Berk, day 0

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After the events of httyd3, no more spoiler warnings.

General narration

Rise and shine's a brand new day on a brand new island with brand new huts to build.

The dragons left. The entire village felt as if a piece of themselves were missing. Of course they felt this way, they had been at war with the dragons for generations and allies for six years.

But that didn't mean they wouldn't stick around in their culture.

Huge wooden carvings of dragon heads from the various species were mounted for display ontop of doors of every single hut.

Snotlout's head was one of a monstrous nightmare.

Fishleg's head was one of a Gronckle.

The twin's heads were one of a Hideous Zippleback.

Astrid's head was one of a Deadly Nadder.

And Hiccup, the chief, was the Night Fury.

The very last, and his best friend.

It was a beautiful summer's morning as Hiccup stepped outside onto his porch of his half-built hut. The cool breeze blew past him; as he inhaled and shut his eyes.

Day zero. Without the dragons.

Astrid's pov

I was wide awake, but I kept my eyes closed.

I moved my arm up to rest on the pillow beside my head and only found emptiness.

Stormfly would have greeted me this morning, snout in my hand and me sitting up giggling and feeling absolute content; but it was not to be.

I opened my eyes and sighed. The sun had begun to rise, and it was the first day of a new village and without the dragons, of course.

I sat myself up and brushed my hair away from my face, thinking of Hiccup.

He did a good thing and I am so proud of him, but he must be hurting as much as I am right now.

I get up to head down to the kitchen to prepare Stormfly's breakfast. I empty the meat, salt it and place it in her bowl.

I step outside into the crisp morning air, bowl in hand, waiting for her to come right down from my roof.

Then I realise again;

They were all gone and I had prepared a breakfast for my dragon who was never coming back.

I drop the bowl to the floor & it broke into a million pieces.

I was in disbelief of my actions and I groan in annoyance. This is not going to be easy...

Hiccup's pov

I look to my left.

I look to my right.

I look behind me.

No Night Fury in my sights.

The village was hustling and bustling with vikings, each with a cheery smile on their face. I offer a nod and smile here and there as well as I make my way through the busy crowd.

Everyone was in pain & putting up a fake front.

I walk past a group of viking women having a conversation, and manage to pick up a little bit of what was on their minds.

"Even the red apples remind me of Gorf...I miss that Nightmare." Said one of the ladies, looking down at her brimming basket of red apples.

"And the sky of my Rumblehorn..." said the other.

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