Dark Intentions ( part 2 )

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"Now we all know this guy is crazy." I said softly to the gang. We were standing around the fireplace in the great hall, discussing about Astrid's kinapping.

Having her gone makes me feel so...empty.

My eyes flickered to her spot, but I scolded myself for being distracted.
I needed to focus on finding her instead of feeling guilty and hopeless.

"He flew South." Snotlout rolled his eyes.

"Isn' that a saying? Like...everything that goes north is totally right but when it goes so-"

"Shutup Tuffnut!" Fishlegs lost his temper.

"Hey I was just trying to-" Tuffnut shot back.

"Nobody needs to know." Fishlegs snapped, inching closer towards Tuffnut.

I immediately got between them and pushed them away from each other. "Woah guys, stop fighting. We need to stay calm."

"It's not my fault Astrid is gone, why are you so mad Fishy?"

That was the last straw for Fishlegs, who threw himself at Tuffnut. Ruffnut and Snotlout tried to pry them off each other but it was useless.

I glared at both pairs, disappointed in the gang. When I really needed them the most, the walk out on me.

That was when I walked out of the great hall, fuming. "What is their problem?!" I groaned to myself.

Toothless was waiting outside for me, holding something between his teeth. He nudged my arm gently.

"For me?" I asked, a little surprised.

Toothless nodded. "Thanks bud." I mutter, ripping open the black dyed envelope.

-To the chief of Berk

I have always admired you from afar.

You had everything. You had the fame,the house,the friends...but now...you don't have the girl.

Astrid is with me and she will stay with me forever.

But, to give you a chance, I'l provide you with five locations.

Choose the right one before the next sunrise.

Right choice, she will be set free.

Wrong choice, I would know because you never came.

I hope to play this game with you.

- The deadly caves of darkness
- Fire mountain
-Blood rain island
-The Ethereal Caverns
-Dragon island


I was seething by this point.

How dare he?

He took Astrid.

He wants me to play his game.


I shall play.

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