Should have been me (3)

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My heart stopped, along with my breathing.

The noise in the car was no more, as I screeched to an out of control stop and watched Ally's car flipping along the side of the road,out of control.

The truck that had hit the car,had spun on it's sides and crashed into a nearby tree.

The energy in my car died as it was replaced by shock.

"Oh my god!" I heard Tuff scream.

My eyes were only on Ally's car as my heart swelled with worry for my partner. My fingers gripped tighter onto the wheel as I refused to believe what had just happened.

Her car was completely wrecked, there was smoke and a small fire.

I had to get her.

I kicked open my door, and ran like mad towards her car, which was upside down and smoking.

She was driving wasn't she? I bent down, to check the driver's seat, but it was empty.

I turned my head to the back to find the three unconcious passengers.

Heather had a really bad gash on her face, Ingerman was hit in the head and Ruffnut's body was at an unsual angle.

"Quick! Snoutlout! Call an ambulance! Now!" I heard Tuff yell.

It was bad. Really bad.

But where was Ally?

I stood up shakily, my eyes blurry, as I scanned the terrible scene. Everything was in slow motion.




It would forever be ingrained inside of my mind.

I could care less about the reckless driver that hit her car. He deserved whatever injury he got for hurting my friends.

I hope he burns in hell.

I looked around the area, but I couldnt find her.

Finally, I looked in the fields that the road was built between and saw her, just lying there.

She was flung out of the car.

"Ohmygod baby!" I ran down the short hill, almost tripping, and collapsed by her side.

My breathing hitched as I checked her perfect body.

She had a small shard of glass,stuck in her side, and her white shirt was stained red. She was breathing, crying.

I gently laid her in my lap, my tears never ceasing as I stroked her soft hair.

"You're're... okay." I repeated, staring into her bright blue eyes.

It should have had been me driving her car.

-- "Me, Ally, Ingerman and Ruffnut get Ally's car. I drive." I pointed.

"Snotface, Heather and Tuffnut you get my car." I simply suggested.

Snotlout also had a crush on Heather. So why not put them in the same car?

"Um..." Heather nervously raised her hand.

"This isnt class Heather." Tuffnut snorted.

"Yes Heather?" I asked,ignoring Tuff.

"Can I switch with you,Hiccup?" She asked quietly, her big eyes focused on me as the headlights of my car shone from behind her.

I had no energy left to argue, so I rolled with it.

"Fine. Get to the cars." I ordered, jumping off the hood of Ally's car and settling into the driver's seat of my car. --

The guilt I was feeling was unmeasurable as I tried my best to comfort her.

"T-he rest?" She whispered.

"Don't worry about them...Ally please save your strength." I cooed. She closed her eyes slowly.

"No. Ally stay awake." I panicked, shaking her.

"I-im so...tired." She cried softly.

"I know baby. Trust me. Look at me." With that, she opened her eyes and stared right at me with a pained look.

"Are you hurt?" She said in a whisper.

"No. Stop worrying. The ambulance will be here soon." I said.

"The driver...?" She questioned.

"Dead." I said, with not emotion. She frowned lightly.

" Hiccup...p-please." She stuttered.

"What? No way. He did this to you." I said gently, trying to be patient with her.

"For me." She stated, which pinched at my heart.

"How about you?" I said, a little quiver in my voice.

"I feel great." She rolled her eyes playfully, even though she was in pain.

"Okay, but I will be really quick. Stay awake Ally. I love you." I said, meaning every word.

I bent down to kiss her lips and gave her a long one, before lying her back down on the grass and running towards the truck that had crashed into the tree.

That was the last time I ever saw Ally alive.

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