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"We'll all go in different directions."
I said, raising my voice over the crashing of waves.

"I'll head south-" I was cut of by snotlout.

"NO! I should head south..." He urged.

"And why is that?" I asked, annoyed.

"Because astrid likes to fly south and she'll obviously be expecting me to rescue her."

I roll my eyes mentally.

"like I said. I'll go south" I said firmly, standing my ground.

"Rain, wind? All of us splitting up? Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a rogue sea beast to leap from the depths of the ocean! and pick us all of...One-by-one." Ruffnut exclaimed.

"All right gang! Lets go find her." I shouted, ready to go.

"Shes gonna be so sad when you rescue her instead of me." Snotlout complained.

"Oh! Don't worry...i'll tell her it was a you!" I said sarcastically.

"You'd do that for me?"

Oh boy.

" of course i wouldnt."

I fly off into the ocean with Toothless.

Man, I hope that Astrid is safe, wherever she may be.


I spotted her clingling onto what seemed like a log, but I was too late to reach her.

"Astrid!" I scream.

She disappeared into the depths before I could reach her.

The only way I could to her was so go into the water.

I'll do it.

I jump right off Toothless and into the water.

I swim towards her as everything seemed to be moving in slow motion and reach for her hands.

Yes! I've got her.

I swim all the way to the top and have Toothless grab the both of us.

Oh no...she wasn't conscious.


What the-? Was I too late?


Suddenly, a small voice could be heard.

"What took you so long?..."

I sigh in relief. "Thank Thor..."

I pull her into a tight embrace, glad that I didnt lose my closest friend.

I better tell the others and get out of this storm.

Author's note

Hey, FYI, this is from the RTTE episode where Astrid gets cast out.

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