The Poisoning ( 2 )

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Heather's pov

We burst through the doors, breathing heavily

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We burst through the doors, breathing heavily. I clutched my axe tightly in my fist.

"Do you see him?" I shout, squinting my eyes as we looked into the darkness of the night.

The chilly evening air made me shiver. Not a single sound could be heard and everything was still.

"No...either the chieftess imagined this guy or he's already gone." One of the guards told me, his breaths escaped from his mouth as he tried to warm his hands.

"Gobber said he was wearing a black material..." I muttered, scanning the huts around the great hall from the top of the stone stairs.

"He couldn't have gotten far- there, I see something!" I exclaimed, bounding down the remaining steps of the great hall, the rest of them rushing after me.

I had seen a flurry of black fabric, and a dark figure hiding behind one of the huts.

I signalled the rest of the guards to get into an ambush position on the other side of the hut as we jogged toward it.

We closed in and successfully trapped him in our circle; he was panting wildly. I smirked triumphantly, swinging my double-headed axe as I approached him slowly.

"You're not going anywhere! Who are you and what are your intentions!"

The man was young, probably in his late thirties as he answered me in a menacing tone.

"My name is Ilias the invinscible and I am the son of Grimmel the Grizzly." He grimaced.

I widened my eyes in shock, and the guards started to become uneasy. I studied his features and sure enough, I recognised them as Grimmel's from the one time I had seen him at an auction party.

"Your chief killed my father and I only came for revenge...sweet revenge, but it turned out better than I tho-"

I slapped him across his face, infuriated by his words and actions.

Ilias turned back to me slowly, a smirk plastered on his wicked face.

I gestured to two guards to secure him and proceeded to drag him back to the great hall to face the judgement of the chief.

"I've already won." He chuckled behind me.

"Be careful Ilias, no one is ever really invinscible."

"You don't know me." He growled.

"I know enough. You're as insane as your father. You will pay, as he did."

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