Being Selfless ( last part )

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Astrid's pov




My head was faced away from the king,as he had just landed a devastating slap on my face.

My breathing was shallow and I turned to him again.

"You won't give me those answers? Lets see how your friends feel about it then."

He picks me up by my elbow and drags me out of the interrogation room, more like cave, before throwing my body like a rag doll infront of Hiccup's cell.

I see him scramble towards my form and reach out to me inbetween the bars as best as he could, but I was too far to touch.

I groaned and tried to push myself up before one of his guards downed me with a swift kick to my abdomen.

"GIVE IT TO US!" He yelled.

"NO!" I mustered a scream.

"Astrid, please, tell them whatever they're getting hurt and I can't help you." Hiccup pleaded.

"No!" I growled again, glaring at the king.

"Do it. You know we always come out on top. No matter how long it takes." He begged, his knuckles turned to white as he clenched the bars tightly.

I looked at him, a worried look was definitely etched into my features as I panted heavilly.

The gang watched in a shocked silence at the display brutality by the guards directed at me.

"...positive?" I asked, feeling extremely unsure.

He gulped and nodded. "They could kill you."

A rogue tear escaped from my eye before I wiped it off roughly and barked at the king. "Okay."

"Good." The king's guard lifted me by my arm painfully, guiding me back to that forsaken cave.

I kneeled infront of the king. Deafeated and at a complete loss for words.

My interrogation session with him and his hand (A/n a queen/king's advisor; not literal) was over after an hour, but my suffering was not.

He knew Berk's location...he knew all of our names and he knew where Dragon island was all thanks to me and my desperation to free my friends and I.

But it was not enough. It would never be enough for a mad king who craved power and everything and anything he desired.

"You will not leave, unless of course you mean your friends unwell? I will have on my ship during the attack...they could never harm one of their own. You think i'm unaware of you Berkian's stubborness? Your people will fight back, but never if your wretched life were to be at risk with my knife pressing into your throat." He thought out loud.

"Fine." I croaked weakly.

"Release my friends, their dragons and my dragon. At least honour that." I begged softly, my voice too raw to raise.

"Since it would work in my favour anyway, fine." He summoned his guards to the cells again and I could hear the locks sliding open.

I could hear Hiccup's confused shouts the most above all else.

"Astrid! Where are you? Astrid!"

I felt tears escape my eyes as I shut them tight and felt my body getting heavier as its' weight sunk me into the floor.

"Let me go! Where are you? Astrid please, come to my voice!"

"Shutup!" Smack.

I gasped softly, realising one of the guards had hit him to shut him up.

I summoned all the strength I had within me to warn him.

"Hiccup- i'm fine! Just go! I'll find a way, I always find a way!" I shout, hopeful that voice was carried past the stone walls and into the corridoor.

"Hiccup you heard her. We won't leave her." I heared Snotlout advise.

"I won't. I love you." Hiccup shouted.

"I love you too!" I cried.

The large iron door seperating the dungeons from the outside world slammed shut, with my friends on the other side of it, riding free on their dragons.

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