Being Selfless (part 2)

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Astrid's pov

"Not so tough behind bars, are you now?" The leader sneered, as he walked toward my cell.

His three guards lined up behind him, spears at the ready and posture straight.

"Wait till we get out." I smirked.

"You think you dragon people are smarter than us. That, is your weakness." He said calmly, moving his hands behind his back as he rocked back and forth on his heels cockily.

"For years i've waited to take all of you. We don't need your domination in the skies. There is only room for one true army. And that is mine."

"What do you intend to do with it?" Fishlegs piped up from his cell.

"Justice for all. A world...with man and man only." His boots crunched the sand he walked on as he paced up and down our line of cells.

"Well thats' hard to imagine." Ruffnut commented.

The king stared at her, stopping in his tracks.

"The justice part I mean...i'm just saying planting exploding eggs in other viking's huts should be legal; it's a spectacle!"

"That should TOTALLY be legal. Oh and Yak Nog...very, very much illegal. Sorry Astrid." Tuffnut squeezed his head through the bars with an apologetic look.

"Ruffnut woke up. Thats exactly what we needed." Snotlout groaned.

"You should be thankful MR Jorgenson. My beauty sleep could help my brain formulate a plan for us to escape."

"All of you...just shut up." Hiccup snapped, irritated, his eyes set on the king infront of his cell.

"Okay but I do agree with the Yak Nog law." Snoutlout shrugged.

"Guys seriously? This is a life or death situation!" Fishlegs said anxiously.

....a world without man the king said?

"What have you done with our dragons?!" I yelled, standing up shakily.

"Trust me. Not anything yet. Lets start with you shall we? I believe the Nadder belongs to this fierce spirit." He gestured for his guards to open my cell door, before dragging me out against my will.

The mad king snatched my face in his hands and I stopped struggling, as I stared dead into his deep, firm, brown eyes.

"I want to know everything about you're little island, and you will tell me all there is to know about it."

"Do you really think I'd tell you?" I chuckled humourlessly.

"When I bring you to your dragon and you watch me hold up a knife to it. Then yes. I'm fairly confident you would spill a little information."

My brain went into an overload as I widened my eyes.

I hardly had a choice here.

He removed his hold on my chin and I glanced at Hiccup. He was looking at me with pleading eyes...he wasn't sure either.

Dripping water echoed down the dungeons as everyone awaited my answer.

I looked back at the king, his crown reflected the light from the torches along the wall and dancing shadows were casted upon my face.

The fire crackled loudly, but my thoughts were louder.

"I'll tell you everything if you let us all go after."

He smiled.


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