Party Tragedy

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"Which looks better?" I asked Riley, who was sprawled on my bed. I held out a blue sundress, which was too casual and a too sexy red cocktail dress.

"None, Astrid." Riley groaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

I sighed in frustuation as I dumped the dresses back into my closet and slammed the door shut.

I was already nervous wreck when Hunter invited me to his formal party at his place. How could I have been so stupid to not plan my outfit earlier?

"Am I gonna look good? Oh my god, what if my hair falls out?!" I panick, adjusting my hair in the mirror as my eyes widen in horror at the gruesome thoughts.

"Look effie, your dresses suck. Don't you have anything else thats not meant for people above 90?" She scolds, sitting upright on my bed.

I whine and scavenged my closet for a dress once more. "There is literally nothing in there." I growled, shoving hangers left and right violently.

Suddenly, light bulb.

"My mom has some cool dresses!" I exclaimed as I rushed towards my mom's room, nearly falling over the rails of the staircase.

I swing her closet open and scan it for anything pretty. "Your mom is like twice your age. Are you serious?" Riley whined, standing behind me with her hand on her hip.

I moved the hangers aside and my eyes landed on a dress which would send me to any modelling agency for a job immediately.

Riley's eyes lit up when she saw it too.



I parked the car as me and Riley did our touch ups of makeup. Me, being nervous, forgot to turn the engine off and ended up reversing back down the driveway.

"What the hell are you doing!" Riley yelled, eyes glued on the rearview mirror.

"Hahah. Sorry." I muttered softly, not really caring.

As we entered Hunter's paradise holiday housen we were immediately greeted by all our friends.

I pushed past them and went straight to the kitchen for food. I mean, can you resist it? I know I can't.

I was having soda and some chips while I leaned agaisnt the counter top when Matt Devans entered the kitchen.

"Effie. I was looking for you."
He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the spiral staircase Leading to the endless hall of rooms upstairs.

I sipped my soda and we climbed the stairs, oblivious to the fact that some of my friends were eyeing me.

We made it to the top and entered the very first room to the left which was filled with the people I loved and knew.

Francis, Riley and T-Jay, Steph and Hailey. I smiled and joined the circle they were in, wondering where my crush, Hunter, was. One things' for sure this was his house and I was certain I wasn't in the wrong venue this time.

My phone chimed loudly , disrupting the conversation we were having. "Sorry guys."

"Hey mom." I covered my mouth and tilted my body sideways, as the gang continued their talk.

"Young lady, where do you think you are?"

"I think i'm out, mom" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be a smartass. Where are you?"

"Hunter's party."

"You took my dress without even asking. I need to wear it to an event. TONIGHT AFFINITY!" I cringed and distanced the phone away from my ear slightly.

"Okay bye." I sighed and hanged up, not really wanting to proceed with that awful talk

Moms...too much.

"Sorry guys I have to go." I shrugged.

"Awws"and "whyyys" sounded throughout the room as I made my exit.

Just as I started decending from the stairs, Hunter was staring up at me from below.

My heart started pumping wildly, demanding to be let out of it's prison.
His eyes landed on my face and he realised it was me as they widened in aknowledgement.

I walked down to greet him.

"Wow-...Effie...You look...."

"Ugly? Terrifying? Horrible? yeah I know..."

"Not even close.You look amazing, beautiful and Phenominal."

I blushed as I took one more step down, closer to him.

"Hey I was wondering..." he started, scratching the back of his neck, his eyes big and innocent.

But at just the right moment, my phone started to ring irritably.

Thanks mom, for ruining my moment.

Hiccstrid Oneshots ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora