Piece by piece (1)

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Hello all! Even though I said I would stop at 50 chapters, I now have 59 in total (what?), I decided to go up to 60. I'm also so surprised and delighted to see that this book has 21k reads. Tysm. Thank you to all of you, my loyal readers who have been reading since the early chapters. ❤🔥 you guys are on fire.



Astrid's POV

"I'm sorry...I won't do it again."

"I'm sorry what?" Mason growled at me, turning away from the road for a second before looking back to the front.

"I'm sorry sir." I quickly replied, lowering my head.

"Good. I don't want you staring, talking, or even thinking about other boys ever." He snapped.

"I wasn't looking at him..." I silently defended myself.

He slammed a fist on the wheel, making me jump slightly.

"Dammit Astrid! I saw your eyes roving all over him. You dare to fight back? To deny it?"

My mind wandered back to the party we just left. Dancing and singing teens, crazy and loud teens all partying in the pool or having a blast on the inside.

I stood off in the corner, holding my drink closely to my chest and eyeing each boy that walked passed me, making sure they didn't attempt to strike up a conversation, incase Mason saw.

A loud ruckus caught my attention, as I saw Hayden, who used to be my best friend, play fighting with another guy. Laughter arose from the kitchen as the guys crowded around and cheered them on.

I laughed to myself as I watched them arm wrestle each other. Hayden didn't even stand a chance agaisnt the other big dude.

Out of the blue, a forceful grip whipped my entire body around in one movement. My drink flew out of my hand and spilt onto the floor.

Mason grabbed both of my shoulders and pulled me closer, growling into my ear.

"Who are you staring at babe?" He asked.

"N-no one." I stammered, my heart rate increasing.

"Thats what I thought. Hayden Haddock is a no one. Why the fu*k where you eyeing him huh?"

I said nothing, as I focused on the carpeted floor.

"Lets go." He announced, gripping my elbow and yanked me from my rooted position. I let out a short cry as he dragged me out the front door.

Once we reached his car, he slammed me hard agaisnt it and trapped me inbetween his arms. He pressed his body tightly agaisnt mine, as one hand held a iron grip around my neck.

"Slut." Was all he said, before tearing open the door and shoving me inside.

Now, all I could think of was how stupid I was. Why couldn't I have just stayed in a more secluded area? Why did I have to make Mason angry? I am such a bad girlfriend. I am not loyal. Whatever he called me is true. I am a slut.

It started to pour after we left the party and the roads were slippery and wet. However, Mason was speeding. It made a bad feeling rise in my gut.

Suddenly, Mason stepped on the brake, almost sending my head to the dashboard.

"Get out of my car." He said in a monotonous tone, staring straight ahead.

I turned and looked at him in disbelief. "It's raining."

"I said get out!" He shouted and pulled the gun out that he had hidden in his seat. The exact same gun he takes along with him when he drives two hours out from Berk to fetch his drugs.

My breathing hitched as I looked at the gun and then at his face. Simoultaneously, my hand tried to find the latch to open the door, which it did.

He has probably killed more people than I could have ever imagined.

I stumbled out of the car and he immediately drove off before I could close it's door.

I was drenched in seconds, as the material of the black dress I was wearing stuck to my skin and felt heavy on my shoulders.

I brought my hands to my face and cried. Mason wasn't with me, I have no idea where I am and where am I supposed to go?

Lost, I walked forward aimlessly as the skies cried with me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud rumble and I whipped my head around only to find myself staring into bright headlights.

A shiver went down my spine, as I thought it was Mason, but to my surprise...

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