She's with me ( last part )

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New cover! Hope you like it!!!


"HUNTER FASTER!" I screamed, adrenaline rushing through my system.  I was jumping up and down, watching Hunter in the lead. Luke was second!

Heather was hugging me tightly and screaming loudly as we were unable to tear our eyes off the race.

Luke was trying to bump Hunter of the road, but Hunter was'nt going to let that happen as he violently shoved him to the side.

There was a tight turn, but it was not to tight for Hunter.

My breathing seemed to stop as they came closer to the finishing line.

Just as the two cars came up to the final turn, I used my arms to shield my eyes from the dust that clouded my vision due to the final drift.


Please Hunter...please win!

I slowly remove my arms from infront of my face, to see who won the race. The crowd was dead silent, you could hear a pin drop.

The dust took forever to clear, but when the front car came into view, I lost it.

"HUNTER WON THE RACE!" I Screamed, causing the crowd to erupt into a wild cheer followed by whistles and screaming.

Hunter exited his challenger and I immediately ran like a mad woman.

I jumped onto him, encircling my legs around his waist. He was startled at first, but gripped onto me as the crowd surrounded us.

Luke was standing of to the side, looking like the sore loser he was.

But who cares about him now?! Hunter just won 8000 dollars!

"Hunter!" I yelled, kissing him passionately.

"Anything for you, M'lady..." He whispered, amidst the crowd of people.

Hiccstrid Oneshots ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora