Accidental (1)

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Dragon racing was definitely Hiccup and I's favourite sport. I laughed as I sped past him on Stormfly, Snatching the Black sheep violenty from Snotlout's arms.

He awarded me with a glare and let out a string of Berkian vulgarities.
Typical temperental Snotlout, but I really needed that black sheep. I need that satisfaction of a win.

Then again, the chances of me winning were like five to ten. I held onto the sheep tightly, it was the last lap and I was so close to the finish!

I was pumping with adrenaline. "C'mon girl! Faster!"

I just needed to fly through the plaza, through the Dragon keeps and make that turn to the finish.

Only one thing was holding me back and with no surprise, it was the Night Fury and his rider.


No way was I letting her take the win. Sure I love her, but I have to keep my scores up. I looked behind me to see her scowling at me.

I smiled and halted Toothless, his wings blocking her entire view for an instant, distracting her and giving me enough time to grab the ten point sheep.

"Good work Bud!" I made the last turn and dunked that black sheep into my net. Immediately, cheers echoed off the bay as I pumped my fists in glory.

I turned back to Snotlout to see a defeated look, but my cousin managed to give me a very short, small congratulating smile.
I looked back at Astrid only to see the most hurt expression she had on her face.

I frown and halted Toothless and approached Astrid slowly.

"Astrid...?" I whispered.

"Astrid are you all right?" Snotlout asked softly.

I looked down to her waist to see a deep cut, forming. I quickly regretted my actions.

Toothless's wing claw had cut her by accident. There was blood, but we both remained calm. The crowd looked concerned and panicked whisperes erupted from the bay.

I spotted Eret, on one of the seastacks, a look of worry etched onto his face.
"Oh my gods...Astrid stay awake.." I pleaded, eyes widening, but I was too late. She was drifting off, because of her loss of blood.

"Grab Her!"  Snoutlout yelled.

Hookfang wasn't fast enough to catch Astrid. She slid of her saddle and I immediately made a dive for her.

What have I done?

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