I'm Being Torn Apart (1)

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Torn 2.0 😂

Don't kill me!!!

Hiccup's pov

I had never really paid attention to the amount of signing my dad had to do back in his days; now I have to experience an entire pile of paperwork from neighbouring tribes on trades and formal agreements.

It was not just the signing that was weighing on me, but running the entire village and seeing to the wellbeings of all dragons and their riders.

It was tiring; but I loved the people and this was my new responsibility and I could not abandon it.

I sighed loudly and leaned back into my seat. I closed my eyes and focused on the familliar sounds of a nightfury's breathing behind me.

His presence comforted me but it also made me feel guilty. He was meant to be in the skies and not cooped up in my room whilst I finish up paperwork.

The stress was starting to eat into my mind as a headache started to form. I groaned and shook my head. I really just wanted to stop; but the pace of life here on Berk was always fast and I could never catch a break.

How I wished my dad was here to guide me. I felt my eyes get watery as I pictured his face and imagined his voice once again. He always knew what to do.

He was far better at this than I am. I'm trying to be him; trying to be as good as him but I can't seem to match up.

Who am I kidding? He was Stoick The Vast...i'm just old Hiccup Haddock.

I could almost feel the weight of his hand pressing down on my shoulder before I was jerked awake from my buzzing thoughts.

I turned around to find that it was Gobber who had snapped me out of it.

"Chief you've been at this for hours. Lemme take yer down to the great hall for some drinks; to lighten up a bit eh?"

Heck I was 21.

"Yeah sure. Lets go." I sprang from my seat and whistled for Toothless to follow.


I downed my fifth, Maybe sixth, drink and slammed the mug onto the tabletop loudly and demanded for a refill.

Gobber dropped me off and left me with Snotlout and Spitelout to hang out with...not the best company but I was looking forward to being loose for the first time in probably a year.

'That's impressive boiyo." Spitelout commented, smirking.

I nodded and gave his a small smile.

I was beyond tipsy by now. We were babbling on about Drago and how much of a loser he was. There was a lot of laughter at even the most unfunniest things, but I guess everything is hillarious when you're drunk.

Snotlout looked like he was just about ready to pass out as Spitelout shot him a disapproving look. "Hiccup ere' can take the alcohol! You puny little-"

Spitelout was interrupted by a voice I was growing used to: deep and commanding.

"Hiccup what is going on here?" My mother demanded, both hands resting on each of her hips. She had a frown etched on her face.

I had disappointed her, so felt like apologising profusely...

"Hey mum; I-I am sooo sorry about this. Do you think i'm an okay chief? Chiefing is so hard. It's so hard right mum? So sorry mum..."

A head of blonde hair appeared and Astrid was now present as well. My heart rate picked up at the sight of my bethrothed.

"Baby! Am I glad to see you. How about you; do you think I am an okay chief? I love you- please tell me i'm okay..."

Astrid frowned in disgust as I tried to reach for her. "Hiccup this isn't you."

I snapped. "Why can't this be me? I'm taking a break."

"Not like this. One drink should have been enough." My mum shot at me.

"Stoick didn't take breaks like what you are doing right now!" Astrid raised her voice and took a step closer to me.

At the mention of his name I felt my heart sink to the floor. I glanced at my mum and found that she was staring at Astrid sadly.

"How dare you." I said lowly.

Astrid didn't back down when I took steps in her direction.

"You don't get to speak his name. You don't know what this feels like for us. For me. You're always on about how I should act and how I should feel. You don't get to control me!"

Astrid was breathing hard by this point as she continued to glare at me, but I couldn't stop now. It was too late to go back.

"I have had enough of you. Sometimes you make me feel sick. You know that? I envy you. You always keep it together, how? I always have to keep it together even when I just want to stop. To JUST stop."

I pushed past her and my mother but stopped and turned around when Astrid called my name.

She dipped her shirt and pulled out my bethrothal necklace from her neck and dropped it in Valka's palm. My mother's expression was shocked at her action, but I continued to glare at my now ex fiancè.

"We're done here." She growled.

I forced myself to leave the hall and dragged myself to my hut.

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