Sacrifice (2)

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Hiccup's POV

As she sunk to her knees, the look in her blue eyes were distant. I grabbed her upper arms and tried to support her, to have her stand, but she continued to sink.

"Astrid. Stand up." I whispered, desperately trying to have her on her own two feet.

I looked up to find Grimmel gone. Anger consumed my entire being. He was not going to take Toothless away from me, nor was he going to take away Astrid.

"Hiccup...I can't" She said softly, bending over into my lap and I kneeled with her. The knife was sticking out of the side of her back.

"I have to take it out." I said, reaching over and gripping the handle. "On three."

"Three!" As I pulled it out slowly, I grimaced as she let out an agonising chain of screams and grunts.

I tossed the knife far away, and pressed my hand into the wound immediately, to try and slow the bleeding.

Astrid looked up at me with a tear-stained face. I shook my head in disbelief and heaved out a sigh.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" She breathed.

"Take the knife for me!" I yelled, using my free hand to push stray strands of hair away from her face.

"If you didn't know by now, you're my partner. If I hadn't taken it, what would I be? I love you Hiccup, gods, just be grateful and stop worrying. I'll be-"

She groaned in pain, leaning down again and rested her head on my lap as I continued to hold down her wound.

"You are definitely not okay." I growled.

"Toothless! Wake up bud!" I yelled, desperately trying to awake my dragon.

He stirred as his eyelids fluttered open and his pupils thinned at the sight of an injured Astrid. Toothless scampered over, nuzzling her gently before looking back at the lightfury.

He looked torn between saving Astrid by flying us as quickly as possible back to Berk, or staying with the Lightfury to protect her.

He looked into my eyes and whimpered softly, just as the Lightfury started to wake up.

"Please bud. She might die..." I begged, my voice breaking at the end as I looked at her on my lap.

Toothless took one last look at the lightfury and bent down low to signal me to mount up.

"Thank you." I breathed, taking Astrid into my arms and mounting my dragon.

"Hiccup?" She asked softly as we took to the skies.

"Shh. Just rest, Astrid. You're going to be fine. Keep fighting." I whispered.

A loud roar erupted from behind us. I looked back to see that the lightfury was following us, willingly, for the first time. Toothless growled happily at the sight of his girlfriend.

"You're gonna be okay." I assured once more.

"Don't pull a stunt like that ever again.  I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." I admitted.

"Same here, fishbone. No promises though." She smirked slightly, before closing her eyes to rest.

"Typical." I rolled my eyes as I grinned, knowing my girl would never change.

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