Trader Varian : Entry 1

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Hiccup (Chief of New Berk)

Astrid (General of New Berk)

Trader Varian (New Trader of New Berk)

Rachel (Archeologist Professor at Berkdale University)

Claudia (Rachel's student)


"Sorry to interrupt Miss Rachel...I know you're busy." Claudia whispered, peeking in through the office door. "But it's 2pm on the dot."

Miss Rachel jumped out of her seat in a flurry of panic. "Oh Claudia I totally forgot...i'll be right out."

The Professor quickly gathered her things in her handbag, before rushing out of her office with Claudia in tow.

"I know its unconventional for you to be helping me with this project Miss I-"

Miss Rachel cut Claudia off as they walked briskly out of the school building.

"Nonsense. I can't expect the museum to give you what you need can I?" She smirked in mischief, but Claudia knew her intentions would be clean.

"I know! It's just back-breaking to find any kind of information on Hiccup Haddock the th-"

Miss Rachel chuckled.

"I had to write a paper on his daughter when I was in college. Zephyr Haddock was it? Amazing woman. It comes as no surprise; their history is almost shrouded in secrecy. Lets hope the source material exists!"

The pair crossed the moderately busy road, before jogging up the stairs to their local museum.

At the Museum, Miss Rachel had no issue when it came to asking permission to have access to certain historical artifacts.

"What do I keep an eye out for?" Claudia asked.

Miss Rachel tapped her index on her chin as she scoured the top shelves of the storage room. "Something with Berkian ancient history plastered! Blue file."

She reached for it on her tippy-toes and hauled the heavy thing into her arms. She dropped it onto a table and a cloud of dust arose from all around it.

"This thing weighs a tonne! Lets flip through, try to find any material going back to your specific time frame."

Claudia gave a smile, and her eyes sparkled with wonder as she eyed the blue file.

Miss Rachel opened it, revealing old papers and pictures, perfectly kept and protected within plastic.

"Stop! I think I saw something." Claudia's hand shot out to 'bookmark' a page as Rachel flipped back.

"Hmm...this period of time is correct and it's all categorised under New Berk! Score!" Claudia cheered.

"Entries of a Trader named Varian: New Berk accounts."

"These are like diary entries by a key eye witness...he must have interacted with Hiccup Haddock The Third! Let's start with the first one." Rachel's student grinned ecstaticly.

Claudia started to read aloud, and it seemed her mind had been plunged into the past; a long time ago into an ancient Archipelogo...


Trader Varian POV

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