Hang on, don't let go

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Run. Run . Run. Run. Run . Run.

The only word that echoed through my mind, as I ran. The clearing was huge and I was aiming to reach the end of it, but Stormfly had flown off so I had to do it myself.

"No no no..." I mumbled to myself, running away, running away from my captives. I could hear their voices behind me.

"There she is!"

"She's getting away!"

My head snapped back and I ran faster, pushing myself. "We need her! She's the only reason the chief of Berk is holding back!" Their leader, Seže ordered.

My breathing increased and my feet where numb when I heard that statement. I wasn't paying attention when I stupidly tripped over an unsuspecting rock.

The back of my head hit the ground, hard. Time seemed to slow down and their voices were being stretched as I laid there, in the grass, the blue sky above me.

I was going to give up.

Get up. Get up now.

A voice in my head commanded me and I obeyed. I ignored my pain as I pushed myself up quickly and started running once more.

I wondered how in Valhalla I had gotten myself into this. I ran as I recalled.

Being the wife of the chief wasn't easy. Everyone wanted me, on different levels, for different reasons.

For this one, they wanted to conquer Berk, so they kidnapped m and brought me to this Gods forsakened island. They threatened Hiccup, saying they would kill me if he hadn't agreed to their terms.

But I managed to escape, stealthily, but the watchmen spotted me before I had the element of surprise.

I called for Stormfly, using my dragon call. I knew she was nearby, because she had secretly followed the boat which had brought me here.

I kept trying, but she didn't appear.
I turned around for a brief moment again, to find that my captives were getting closer.

Big mistake.

I didn't see the end of the cliff.
I fell right off it , managing to grip the side as I fell roughly and violently.
The sides of my shirt had been ripped and I was extremely exhausted.

My arms felt like they were about to give way. I whimpered as I looked at the 80 feet drop below. Small pebbles bounced off my shoulders as I struggled to hang on.

The men were getting closer now.

Is this it?

I thought about my life back on Berk.
My memories flashed through my mind as I loosened my grip slowly, not being able to stand my physical injuries. Just when I was about to let myself fall, I heard another voice.


I gasped as I turned my head around,to find Hiccup, Fishlegs, the twins, snotlout and Valka on their dragons, heading my way. The gang attacked the enemies up top the cliff, while Hiccup grabbed me from my ordeal.

"Astrid..." he hugged me tight and I hugged him tighter.

"I was going to let go..." I said, guilty.

"Then it's a miracle you didnt." He said, pulling me in for a kiss. It was bitter-sweet, but it felt nice, after being away for so long.

Toothless purred happily. Suddenly, Stormfly appeared from the trees and flapped her wings joyfully.

"Well girl! You're definitely on time." I giggled.

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