Ally's demons

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"Just leave me alone would you?"
Lily and her gang weren't letting me off.

They mostly picked on me, always me. Why me? What did I ever do to them?

This had been going on for the past two months. I was getting increasingly tired and depressed.

"You're not the boss of us." Lily grabbed my collar roughly and pushed me against the lockers, a spark of satisfaction in her cold, blue eyes.

The locks pushed into my back, which was definitely going to leave a mark.

I have to fight back.

I pushed her off of me, using what will I had left in me. Her gang started snickering as Lily gave me a death glare. "Big mistake." She hissed, after recovering from her stumble.

Without warning, Lily raised her fist and punched me right in the stomach.
I fell to the floor and gasped for air, hugging myself as I pushed my body agaisnt the lockers.


They started laughing very loudly as they eyed my frail form.

"Stop!"  That voice, it was so familliar. "Get away!"

"Hayden ,uh, we were just messing around.." Lily stammered, placing a hand on Hayden's arm. He actually ran down the hallway to come to my aid. I looked up slightly, as the pain started to diminish.

"You have five seconds to get out of my face and to get that hand off of me." Hayden growled, glaring at Lily and her cronies.

She rolled her eyes and walked away with her group. "Lets go girls."
Her heels echoed down the hallway, along with the laughter of her gang.

"Ally are you okay?" He came down to my level and hugged me.

"Yeah I guess..." I grimaced, clutching my side as I slowly stood up with Hayden's help.

"why didn't you tell me they were doing these things to you?"

"I didn't want you to worry. Hayden, i'm so sorry."

"It's time please tell me. Ally," He ran a hand through his hair.

"I do care."

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