I'm Being Torn Apart (3)

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Hiccup's pov

Astrid managed to avoid the hurtling cage with a swift maneuvour.

Most of the dragon hunters had either escaped or were taken away by the escaped dragons, so it was safe to land.

I made Toothless land quickly, dismounted him, and approached Astrid, who was lying on the ground and trying to pick herself up.

She groaned when she tried to kneel but fell into my arms as I slid onto my knees quickly to catch her.

She managed to avoid the entire cage, but it managed to nick her right thigh. It was a nasty gash right across it. It wasn't bleeding much, but it was definitely prone to infection.

I looked into her eyes and found that they were tearing. "So much pain..." She gasped.

"Shh I know, I know. Close your eyes. You might loose conciousness if you go into shock though." I said softly.

"Why-why are you being so nice?" She asked as one of her hands gripping my shoulder tightened.

"I love you..." I released after a very long pause, frowning as I looked into her eyes.

The guilt of everything I had said to her four months back came crashing down on me once again. "I didn't mean any of it. You know that."

"I know, I was being stupid. Gods; what did we even fight about? You were drunk anyways..." Shs chuckled at the last bit but winced when, I guess, a sting of pain shot from her thigh.

I brought my face down to hers and nuzzled it lightly. "I hate fighting. Especially with you. Forgive me." I begged, opening my eyes to her blue ones.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said what I said...I can be so insensitive." She cried softly, wrapping her arms around my head and just letting herself cry as I placed kisses on her temple.

After a few seconds, I realised the gang was in close proximity, but it was silence all around us.

"Silence is key Hiccup!" Snotlout piped up, and I could imagine the smirk plastered right across his face.


I looked up and behind me to find them all grinning widely, watching us make up.

"Eww now they're back to kissing all the time." Tuffnut said in an annoyed tone. "But it makes me wonder, Chicken never kisses me with such DeSIrE!"

"What?! Get out of here!" Astrid squeezed her eyes tight and I assumed like all of us she was trying to erase that picture from her mind.

"oh gods..." I mumbled.

"Oh yay." Snotlout grumbled waving his hands infront of his face and rolling his eyes as he walked over to Hookfang. "More PDA."

"Um guys? She's injured..." I deadpanned.

"Oh yeah right." My mum snapped out of it as she called Stormfly over to help Astrid get on her saddle.

"We good?" She cocked an eyebrow before I lifted her up.


Part 4 in a couple hours! Yessss FLUFFFFF

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