piece by piece (2)

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Hayden's pov

I stepped out of the kitchen, but before I could even call out her name, Heather grabbed my arm and held me back.

"Hayden where are you going? We placed bets you know."

"Let go of my arm Heather, you're drunk." I growled, trying to yank my arm out of her grip.

"Chasing her won't do you any good." Heather rolled her eyes.

I ignored her comment and rushed out the front door, only to see them speed away in Mason's car.

Without a second thought, I hopped into my own car and followed after them. The scene of Mason hurting Astrid kept playing right infront of my eyes.

It started to pour when we reached the highway. I narrowed my eyes to see more clearly through the windshield and grunted.

Without warning, Mason's car came to an abrubt halt in the distance. I slowed to a stop, and squinted to see what was happening in the car.

I turned off my ignition and observed.

My heart started to beat even faster when Mason suddenly pulled out a gun on Astrid.

Oh my god.

She immediately stumbled out of his car, and he took off right after, not even caring to shut the door.

I stared at her, not believing my eyes. How dare he treat her like that? No one on deserved what Astrid was going through.

Clueless to my presence, she headed down the direction in which Mason sped off in.

Snapping out of the daze I was trapped in, I turned my ignition back on and moved up to her side.

"Astrid, get in!" I called, leaning into my passengers seat and opening the door for her.

"H-Hayden?" She stammered, hugging herself tightly as she shivered.

"Get in. Its freezing."

There was a little hesitation, but my girl still got into my car.

"Buckle up. Here take this." I handed her my jacket from the back and made sure she had it on her shoulders.

"Thanks Haddock." She smiled a little, which made her entire face light up.

I smiled back and sighed.

I backed up my car and did a U-turn back to my place. The ride was silent the entire way there.

I parked my car and helped her out of it, making sure to go in by the back door so no one at the party could see us. I held her hand so that she wouldn't run off with any wild ideas.

I lead her up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind us. I was still holding her hand.

"I shouldn't be here." She gasped.

Toothless's head perked up as he rested on the edge of my bed at the sound of her voice.

I shook my head. "You don't have to be afraid of Mason."

At the sound of his name, she flinched slightly.

I slid the hand that was enclapsed around hers up her arm and rested it on her shoulder as I looked her in the eye. "He is a shit excuse for a human being, he does not treat you right. Astrid, you have every single right to tell him to get his hands off of you. You have to go to the Berk Police station. You have to."

She blinked. "He's going to tie me to a pole in his back lawn for an entire night if I do that!"

My heart sank when she said that.

"What? Astrid..." I took a very deep breath.

"He does not control you. What he does to you, these punishments, heck he's not even supposed to think about it. Its not right. Please? Can't you see that? Astrid?" I shot out desperately as I tried to reason with her corrupted thinking.

"I-" Astrid was cut off when we both snapped our heads at my door when we heard loud footsteps approaching it.

Her eyes widened in fear.

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