The Poisoning (1)

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Httyd3 wedding period

Astrid's pov

"Congratulations chief and chieftess!" Gobber cheers, bounding up to Hiccup and I.

I'm still donned in my wedding dress and flower crown, my right hand is also secured tightly in Hiccup's own.

"Thanks Gobber." My love smiles.

Gobber laughs and moves aside, revealing the joyous after party before us. Children run under and through older vikings, giggling as they do.

I feel Hiccup bend lower and press his lips against my ear. "A hundred runes, our first child is a girl." He betted.

My heart warms as the idea forms in my head as I turn slightly to kiss him. "So it's on." I murmured.

I pull away teasingly and he chuckles as I shake my head.

In the new Great Hall, there were vikings from all over the archipelogo celebrating our marriage; but strangely, my eyes caught a figure that didn't belong.

A slender looking man slipped between oblivious vikings, behind Snotlout and the twins as they laughed away, unaware of his presence. His eyes remained in contact with mine as I watched suspiciously from where I stood at the front of the hall.

Despite the happy occasion, this man was draped in black, and a bad feeling suddenly washed away my good ones as I went into alert mode.

I tighten my grip on Hiccup's hand.


"Hiccup, do you see that man?" I ask, nodding in his direction.

"Not planning on leaving me already are you." He teased.

"I'm not joking-"

"Ah vikings! The time has finally come to perform the sacred toasts." Gobber announces, quieting down the congregration.

Gobber has us face each other and hold hands and I feign a happy smile at Hiccup, more worried about this stranger present at our wedding.

My breathing becomes a little shallow as the procession goes along, my eyes continously darting away from Hiccup's everytime I detect movement from my pheripheral.

Hiccup frowns in confusion as he whispers so only I could hear.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head lightly. "N-nothing."
I whisper back.

"AND now, the chalices please." Gobber calls for the twins as he makes way for them down the aisle towards us.

I look at them worriedly, as they were clumsy enough to spill whatever the chalices contained. Tuffnut smirks in triumph as he hands me mine and Ruffnut hands Hiccup's cup over to him.

I thank Tuff absent mindedly, gripping onto the body of my chalice tightly, as I looked down at the contents.

Deep. Dark. Red. Wine.

My eyes shot up when I noticed the figure moving to the front row this time, sending me an evil smirk.

I widen my eyes.

It finally registered within me.

This man had bad intentions and whatever it was, it was toward the chief.

I swore to protect my husband and that is what i'm going to do.

Trying not to make a scene, I lean closer to Hiccup.

"Honey, looks like you got the wrong chalice." I point.

Hiccup raises his cup and observes the intricate detail. "Nope. Looks like it's mine-"

"Hiccup." I say warningly, giving him a stern look.

He rolls his eyes as we switch chalices, my heart beating a little faster.

My eyes wonder to the figure again, but he was gone.

Oh gods...I hope i'm right about all this.

"AND now, the couple may drink from their cups as we wish them an everlasting love and long lives! Long live the chief and his wife!" Gobber chants.

I lift the chalice to my lips after I watched Hiccup down his successfully. He smiled and beckoned for me to drink mine.

Gods, i'm doing this to save him.

I lift the cup to my lips and drink the wine.

Hiccup's pov

I watch as my beautiful wife finished her wine and we hand our chalices back to the twins.

How I wished Toothless were here to live in the moment, to witness our happiness, joy and-

Astrid's breathing was becoming increasingly louder with each breath.

My eyes shot to her with urgency as I held her arms in a death grip, looking like she would faint any second.

"Gobber! Something's wrong with her!" I exclaim, noticing how she had starting coughing.

"She's choking!" I cried, as I kneel down with Astrid lying across my lap.

Gobber calls for Gothi and the old lady wobbles out from the crowd as the vikings close in on the scene to get a better look. The gang have already surrounded me and my mother was beside Astrid as well.

She struggles to breathe, as tears started to form in her eyes.

I press my hand to her face and shake her gently, as Gothi examines her symptoms.

She communicates with Gobber, and he translates. "We must give her the right herbs to reverse the affect!"

"Go get them! NOW!" I shout at the gang, as they scramble outside with Gothi.

Valka spreads an arm across my shoulders as we look down at Astrid as she tries to speak.

" black...stranger...poison." She manages to say.

It finally clicks in my brain before I snap my head at my mom.

"Order the villagers to find a man in black. He is not one of us. And bring him to me."

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