Accidental (2)

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I looked down to find that I didn't have the black sheep anymore and disappointment rushed over me.

But I could still get it back.

With my remaining determination still left in me, I made stormfly speed up. She started to furiously flap her wings and I could see she was being tired out.

And fast, but when I made that last turn, something was bothering me.
I looked down to my waist area and found one of the deepest cuts I have ever had So far. It wasn't big, it was small, but I knew It was the kind where I could lose blood.

And alot of it.

I suddenly felt really concerned for the tiny life inside of me. Stormfly stopped, sensing my discomfort.

I caught a glimpse of Hiccup dunking the black sheep and cheering wildly.

"Hiccup..." I whispered.

I don't think he could hear me.

I couldn't think anymore.


"Astrid are you all right?"

I was going to say no but I couldn't find it in me to speak. The crowd had suddenly grown silent.

"Oh my gods...Astrid stay awake.."

I just couldn't anymore.

I silently apologised to Hiccup. I felt myself slide off my saddle.

"Grab her....."

The very last thing I saw was Toothless.

Hiccstrid Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now