The Girl

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"Trader Johan is here!"

I smiled and headed down to Trader johan's boat, eager to see what he had brought along this time.

The entire dock had a busy atmosphere, villagers were shouting at one another and ships docking in. Toothless stayed behind me, avoiding the path of a viking woman carrying a heavy basket of fish for her Monstrous Nightmare.

I strayed toward the familliar boat, where my eyes laid upon Johan.

"Ah! Hiccup! Nice to see you again." Johan smiled, shaking my hand.

"Trader Johan, good to see you in Berk again. So do you have what I asked for?"

"Yes lad, as always!" Johan turns around and rummages through a small crate. He pulled out a small jar, sealed with a cork on top.

He hands it over to me. "Thank you Johan."

"You know...I remember fighting that squid off just to get your ink! Which reminds me of a time I met a guy called Anak-"

I cut him off before he could be lost into his own story. "Thanks again Trader Johan. Same thing the next time you return?"

"Same thing, lad." He grinned, slapping me on my shoulder.

I watched him leave, before
Johan stopped in his tracks and turned back around.

"Would you like anything else? Maybe an axe for your father or a book for yourself....or maybe something for the special girl?" He winks, nodding his head behind me.

Suddenly Astrid walks right in and startles me.

She smiles. "That sounds like a great idea! Doesn't it, Hiccup?"


Think Hiccup, don't be an idiot.

Not today!

I get all nervous and just blurted out,
"I umm..haha...have to go um...trim Toothless's claws now."

I mount Toothless and fly up into the skies, glad that I got out of there without a scratch. I let out a sigh of relief, patting Toothless's head. "Seriously bud, I have to trim your claws!"


I just love doing that to Hiccup!

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