Dark Intentions ( part 4 )

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"Well this looks like a place where a rapist would live." Ruffnut snorted as we explored the dark caves.

Tuffnut kicked a pebble as we made our way deeper into the cave. "No kidding." I had made my choice. The Deadly Caves Of Darkness looked like the most promising location to find Astrid.

The dragons waited outside whilst Toothless ventured inside with the rest of us. "I hope Astrid is all right..." Fishlegs sighed.

"We know she is." I smiled. Snotlout held the torch high, as we examined the walls of the cave. "There is nothing written on it." He said.

I nodded my head and continued my way down with Fishlegs, the twins, Snoutlout and followed by Toothless behind me. I heard Toothless Whimper a split second before a giant tumbling rock detached from above and came crashing down infront of me.

"Woah!" I yelled, stumbling backwards and falling over the rest of the gang. Dust flew everywhere as I shielded myself by bringing my arms up to cover my eyes.

We were coughing loudly as Toothless nudged me to get back up. "All right bud..." I groaned.

"Hiccup....!" A faint voice was heard.

All of our heads snapped up, looking at the giant rock. "It's Astrid!" Fishlegs smiled.

"Lets move!" I ordered, squeezing through the small hole which was between the giant rock and the wall. I was confident that the rest would follow.

"Help....! No...!" Came the desperate cries. My running increased as I couldn't stand being away any longer.
Toothless panted heavily beside me.
At the end of the tunnel, a dim light could be seen. "Astrid!" I yelled.

"Hiccup!" It was clearer now.

"Shutup!" Came a deep voice.

My instincts told me that was no friendly voice. My anger spiked in a second as I arrived in the cavern where Astrid was laid down and chained onto a bed with a man straddling her.

"NO!" I yelled. Toothless growled beside me and the gang showed up one by one.

"Say goodbye to your Wife!" The guy smirked as he lifted a knife over Astrid's chest.

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