Not a dream

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Late. late. late.

Always, he never came on time.

I paced on the green grass and was surrounded by the beautiful bright greenery and a breathtaking sunset.

And Hiccup was LATE.

This boy needs a proper sun dial.

Stormfly rested under the shade of a tree, staring at me with curious eyes.

"Don't worry girl. He's coming. Right?"

Speaking of the devil, Toothless appeared with the one and only chief of lateness riding him.

"Well done Chief you're an hour early." I roll my eyes, placing a hand on my hip.

"Sorry caught up." He gave me a warm smile.

Hiccup pulled me into a tight hug as he laid both hands on my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

Hiccup's hugs are still the best.

I pulled away and stared at his green eyes as he stared into mine. We were having a great moment together, and of course everyone here knows that some idiot with his pride had to walk right in.

"Hey ASTRID!" I jumped a little when I saw Snoutlout standing close with a smug look on.

I really felt like ripping his hair out.

"Snoutlout, I am going to kill-"

"I was just about to tell you the same thing. But i've got other things on my mind. I just saw...."

"Saw what Snoutlout?" Hiccup growled, clearly irritated.

I glanced over at Stormfly to find her playing with Toothless. That calmed me a bit, just a little, as I turned back to face Snotface.

"Well it was horrible." Snotlout continued.

"And?" I snapped.

"I really hoped it was fake. But I saw it with my own eyes."

"WHAT WAS IT SNOTLOUT?" I yelled, getting pissed, letting go of Hiccup and flailing my hands in the air.

"You and Hiccup KISSING."

Minus the snotlout bit, I had a dream that I was Astrid and Hiccup hugged me. It was a wonderful warm feeling and I wish I could have that hug again :(

Hiccstrid Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now