Eret (2)

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girlofdragons suggested a part 2!!! Thank you 💕

Astrid's pov

It was dinnertime in Berk; boisterous laughter erupted all around the great hall as vikings conversed loudly. The gang was seated at our usual table and we were enjoying our meal together.

Our dragons hung closeby as they laid comfortably on the floor.

It was a cool evening; weather I enjoyed.

If I was in bed.

The whole Eret situation was still at the back of my mind. My eyes trailed up to the man, who was leaning across the table and retelling some of his old dragon hunting stories to some curious vikings.

Definitely not my type, and if he should try anything, I would never betray Hiccup.

Speaking of Hiccup, he was seated beside me with a possesive hand on my knee, ocassionally squeezing it before giving me quick kisses on my cheek.

I've never experienced Hiccup being this affectionate towards me. It was normally me, but hey i'm not complaining.

I absolutely relished it.

"Okay Eret! Kill or kiss; Mrs Ack and Mrs Heath!" Tuffnut challenged from across the table.

Eret scoffs. "Kill Heath, kiss Ack. It's that simple." He plays with his pocket knife; swinging it around.

"Ruffnut and Astrid."

The entire table goes silent as all eyes are on me.

Eret looks into my eyes as he answers. "Kill Ruffnut, marry Astrid."

My breath hitches and so does Hiccup's.

"You do know she's with Hiccup. Right?" Snotlout asks, standing up slowly.

"I know; but is it a crime to be dazzled by her beauty and charm?" Eret smiles up at Snotlout.

Snotlout growls and takes a threatening step in Eret's direction.

"Eret, stop. Snolout; it's okay I got this." I said, standing up as well, pressing both of my palms onto the table.

"This is just too bad." Eret takes a sip from his cup. "Too bad that you aren't up for grabs."

"Up for grabs? Are you being serious right now?" I gasped in hurt. I was hoping Eret and I could still be friends; but he should not have said that.

Hiccup stared at Eret; breaking his silence since this afternoon.

"Firstly; she's a person. She will never be 'up for grabs'." Hiccup had left his seat and was slowly walking toward Eret.

"Secondly: Astrid is my bethrothed. She does not belong to you in any way."

Hiccup was now directly infront of Eret. Nobody at the table moved.

"Last but not least-"

Oh my gods. Hiccup ignited Inferno and brought it close to Eret's neck, close enough so as to not cause any actual harm; but close enough to scare the living daylights out of everyone present.

The fire from his sword cackled loudly; but Eret continued to glare into Hiccup's eyes as he spoke.

"Disrespecting the wife of the chief of Berk earns himself a death sentence. No exceptions- Eret, son of Eret." Hiccup said lowly.

"Is that understood?"

Eret nodded stiffly as Hiccup brought his sword away. The entire time, the great hall had fallen silent as everyone watched the scene play out. Now, it was back to normal except for our table.

Hiccup turned toward me, grabbed my arm gently, and lead us out of the hall briskly.

Once we were outside, I got pulled into a tight embrace.

"That was hard, but I had to do it." He confessed.

"I know." I smiled, pushing a stray strand of hair away from his eyes.

"I couldn't let him do that to you. I felt terrible and I had to defend you." Hiccup pulled me in for another hug as he buried his face into my shoulder.

"Thank you; I was going to kill him though." I said.

"That's my girl." He chuckled after pulling away.

"You called me your wife back there." I cocked my head to the side a little.

"Just for a little extra added effect." He shrugged. "Although I really want you to be...I mean you know..."

"Get married?" I finished.

"Yeah that." He blushed slightly.

I brought my lips close to his so that they were touching, but not quite kissing him as I spoke against them. "Soon, Hiccup"

Hiccup gave in and pressed his lips against mine roughly, earning a surprised squeek from me. He pulled away suddenly and returned to our original position; this time he was holding onto me because we were so close.

He didn't say a word as we just stared at each other. It wasn't akward at all, it was a nice and rare moment between the two of us.

He leaned in after some time and pressed a kiss onto the corner of my lips and slowly moved back to kissing them. One of his hands was placed on the small of my back and we were now full on making out outside of the great hall.

I don't know what lead to this moment of affection but it was so rare and I loved it.

I pulled away as I laughed. "Slow down tiger!"

"Sorry; I don't know what came over me." He blinked and grinned.

"Walk me over to my hut?" I asked, as he took my hand in his.

"Of course M'lady." He smiled wide.

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