Night Terrors ( Halloween Special )

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I woke up with a terrible jolt. The night was cold and my breath could be seen as I breathed in and out.

I looked around my room, my large window wide open, the moonlight shining upon my bed. Stormfly was curled up in the corner, purring in her sleep contently.

I took in deep breaths as I tried to recover from the dream I just had, a horrible nightmare.

I pulled my long blonde hair to rest on my right shoulder slowly as I got out of bed slowly. I tip-toed down the creaky stairs and opened my front door carefully, peeking outside only to find a slight mist hovering infront of my hut.

Berk had a sinister environment at this time of night, as the mist swirled around every hut and the crickets chirped eerily, sending chills down my back, everytime.

I had slipped on my boots and clipped on a cape, to protect me from the bitter cold. I stalked towards the woods, where the trees swayed silently to the wind and the moon shone brightly, leading my path.

Something was compelling me to move forward...It was like I was being attracted by a magnet.

Dry eaves crumpled under my steps as I followed the lighted path. The slight wind whipped through my hair as I continued.

All of a sudden, a deep rumble echoed throughout the woods and a flash of white struck one of the trees.
The thunder and lightning never ceased and it caused fear to spread through to every part of me.

I yelled every time when an unexpected jolt struck a nearby tree.
I made a 360 turn, surveying my surroundings, only to find a large tree, slowly falling to it's side.

The lightning had struck it.

The tree creaked loudly, as it leaned further downwards.

I didnt' have time to react.

It came crashing down on me as I screamed in complete terror, feeling my body being crushed by it's extreme weight. The bark had crushed my entire lower body, including my chest, as I cried in agony.

My lungs, my heart, my legs!

"Hiccup!" Was the only thing I yelled, as I deperately tried to push myself out from under the tree.

"Woah! Astrid, Astrid!" I felt someone shaking my shoulders violently.
I sat up in bed, seated on Hiccup's lap. He had a very worried look on his face.

"Hiccup?" I whispered.

"You were calling out in your sleep. Baby whats wrong?" He asked, placing a hand on the side of my face.

"Bad dream." I murmured, resting my head on his shoulders, sighing deeply.

"Oh." He said, before wrapping his arms around me. "You scared me." He whispered. I hugged him even tighter, as he leaned agaisnt the headboard, stroking my back. "I'll chase them all away for you..."

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