Accidental (3)

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I think it was sheer luck that saved Astrid. I knew in my heart that I would have never been able to make that dive to catch her.

It was all so sudden.

Before she could touch the ground, a gigantic StormCutter cut through my path and made a mad dash for Astrid.

It was my mother and CloudJumper.

I brought Toothless to a halt and went closer to my mom as I sighed with utmost relief. "Mom...thank you."
She had Astrid in her arms, unconcious.

"Gothi." Was all she said, worry etched in her features. Snotlout, Eret, Valka and I rushed over to Gothi's hut.

I hoped my Astrid was all right.


Gothi checked on her, did weird stuff.
She put a bandge around her waist and said it was nothing to worry about.

We all sighed with relief and had small smiles, but the happy feeling vanish when Gothi frowned.
She took her stick and made her way to a small dirt pile, indicating that she wanted to communicate. My mom stepped forward, frowning.

"You don't - - know?" She drew and my mother repeated.

"Don't know what?" Eret asked from behind, stepping up front a little.

"The maiden is with child..."

At this, my mother snapped her head toward me as I felt my entire body tense.

"I didn't know! She didn't tell me anything. I swear. To the gods." I raised both of my hands up, trying to absorb the new information at the same time.


But thats' a good thing right? Execept there was a problem. The huge problem was that she didn't tell me anything about it.

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