A family of our own?

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HTTYD3 TIME (1 year after httyd2)

Inspired by a scene in httyd3.


"I'm nervous." Fishlegs chattered, fiddling with a bracelet made of sturdy gronckle iron.

I slapped him on the back and smiled. "I've been there. Just think about whats gonna happen after you propose, it'll be great. Trust me."

"Easy for you to say Hiccup! Astrid and you have always been comfortable with each other. Heather and I...I don't know-"

"Ay relax Fishface; Heather used to not be able to stop gushing about you. She'll say yes now stop worrying about it." Snotlout rolled his eyes, downing the last drop of water in his mug.

I shook my head and sighed. "Too late to back out now. Here she comes."

I pointed to the entrance of the great hall, where Heather and Astrid entered giggling about something as Heather swung her double bladed axe.

I kept my eyes trained on my Hofferson, soon to be Haddock, as she took a seat next to mine and settled for a peck on my cheek. I smiled warmly and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to me.

Heather slid in beside Fishlegs, who had hidden the bracelet before she could notice.

"So um...whats so funny?" Ruffnut piped up, as the two girls continued to snicker.

"Oh...just some talk about those kids down at the docks. Totally drove their parents crazy. They children set sail without their parents even noticing. It was hillarious how they just waved!" Heather explained, snickering.

"And you didn't step in? C'mon guys-" I sighed, getting ready to pay a visit to the docks.

Astrid grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "Its okay babe. We took care of it. After we laughed as much as we could before their parents came running at us with maces."

"You see, this is why I hate kids." Snotlout huffed, folding his arms on his chest.

"They're noisy, annoying and idiotic all at the same time!" Tuffnut raised his voice, earning a few stares in the great hall in the silence.

"Okay...er I don't think kids are that bad. You just gotta...train them first." I shrugged.

"Train them? Hiccup, I am not giving birth to your dragons." Astrid rolled her eyes.

My eyes widened as I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Astrid looked up. That silenced the entire table as the reality dawned on all of us, especially me.

I watched as Astrid's expression fell.

"Um I mean...no woman." She blushed, lowering her gaze. I dropped my arm from her shoulders and gripped onto the seat instead.

"Akward." Snotlout sang.

"Astrid, theres' nothing wrong in admitting you and Hiccup are going to,well, start a family one day."

Fishlegs said, as he encased Heather's hand in his bigger one.

My heartbeat quickened, as I turned to look at Astrid. "I-I guess." She said softly.

"Listen, I gotta go."
She suddenly excused herself.

We watched in silence as she leaved the hall. The moment the doors slammed shut, Snotlout opened his big mouth.

"Way to go chief!" He flailed his arms in the air.

"What?! What did I do? Or say? I didn't even say anything!" I exclaimed standing up from my seat.

"Look, Hiccup. She seems upset. Maybe you should..." Heather gestured, as she gave me an encouraging smile.

"I will. Right now." I inahled.

"Toothless, stay here bud...I gotta do this on my own." I rubbed his head as he came up to me before I left the hall.

Knowing Astrid, she would've ran off into the woods to practice her axe throwing skills. I headed in that direction, determined to figure out what had made her storm off.

I found her, sitting cross-legged in the middle of a ring of trees, just examing her axe.

"Astrid." I breathed, settling down beside her.

She didn't reply, just focused her gaze on the handle of her axe as she felt her engraved initials "A.H"

"Uhm...talk to me. Whats wrong?" I asked, unsurely.

She sighed heavily.

"What did I say? I'm sorry Astrid." I apologised, taking her hand and bringing it over my heart.

"It's not what you said Hiccup. It's what you did." She stated.

"Oh! Em...what did I- what did I do?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"After I mentioned what I mentioned, your expression...you seemed...it seemed as if you..." She struggled to get her words out.

"Hiccup. What do you think about a family? A family of our own?" She suddenly asked, her blue eyes were big and hopeful.

"Our-our family? Oh well...it would be nice. Very nice. And I would be a father...thats...new." I thought.

She simply nodded. "Back at the hall, it seemed like you didn't really approve of the idea so I panicked and left."

My heart dropped.

"No, no. I was just shocked that you said it...I wasn't reluctant about it. I love it, actually, although a family is a difficult task to manage, we could do it together." I smiled.

"Oh...thats good. I would love that." She grinned widely.

"I like that look on you." I tapped her nose teasingly.  "I'd like it better if it was you being happy as we say our vows."

Astrid laughed. "Soon Hiccup. Soon."

A/N hey! Dragonites who attended the Annecy festival have said there is much talk about Hiccup and Astrid getting married in httyd3, where Astrid is shy about the topic whenever she or someone else mentions it. Also, Hiccup kisses Astrid's head in a scene ❤ aw.

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