Thor Is A Woman

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"You'll believe Thor Is A Woman."

Hiccup's POV

"C'mon Astrid..." I muttered, my eyes narrowed and followed the movement of  my soon-to-be wife.

My grip on the throne's arm rests tightened as Snotlout looked like he was about to knock her off Stormfly, along with the prized black sheep.

My girl dodged Hookfang's powerful wingblast expertly, after exclaiming in glee. Snotlout did not seem happy as Hookfang took too much time to recover from the confusion of Stormfly suddenly ending up on his rear tail.

"Stormfly, Spine Shot!" She commanded. Stormfly immediately proceeded to launch a couple of spines in Hookfang's direction, forcing the Monstrous Nightmare to sway to the right.

I noticed the sparkle in her eyes as she flew through the open window, black sheep in hand.

Snotlout was left behind, reprimanding poor HookFang. Big dragons and tight turns were not compatible. Snotlout should know that by now, but still chose to scold his dragon for something he could not help.

I mentally roll my eyes before placing my attention on Astrid again.

She was so close to dunking the sheep into her basket!

I sprung from my seat and took two steps forward, nearly tripping on my fur cape as I did so. Toothless bounded up beside me and roared in encouragement.

The crowd was wild as she neared the finish but it grew even wilder as the twins and Eret came into view.

My eyed widened. She was so close!

Her eyes widned as she gasped, noticing The Zippleback and the Rumblehorn both closing in from her right.

"ITS MINE, ALL MINE!" Tuffnut declared, earning a peek from Belch.

"I'M GOING TO SNATCH IT! NOT YOU!" Ruffnut yelled, hitting the back of her brother's helmet.

"Same dragon you idiot!" Tuffnut growled.

They were lead into a catfight, as Ruff and Tuff starting slapping each others hands away. Withouth the guidance of their riders, Barf and Belch detoured from their target, Astrid, and instead hurtled into a side of a cliff. The crowd erupted into "oos" as we witnessed the Zippleback slam hard into the rock.

I made a mental note to check on them after the race...

I swung my head to look up at Eret, only to find that Skullcrusher had slammed into Stormfly with enough force for Astrid to release her grip on the black sheep.

"Astrid!" I cheered.

I looked into her eyes from were I was standing, only to find that she caught my own. It was amazing, I felt it. I felt her determination and power in that stare. It happened for a moment, and then it was gone.

She forced Stormfly into a steep dive, the lovely Nadder managed to grab onto the abused sheep with her claws.

Eret had given up, and watched with a smile as Astrid finally approached her basket.

She made the dunk with a spin as Berkians erupted into a roar. Toothless reared his head back and let out his own celebratory roar, followed by all the dragons in the vicinity.

I clapped and smiled widely as she did her fly-by.

How is Astrid even real? She pulled that entire race off.

I was lost in my thoughts as a loud thudding of Stormfly landing on the floorboards snapped me out of it.

Toothless immediately congrulated her by prancing all around Stormfly and "smiling". I chuckled as my eyes found Astrid.

She dismounted Stormfly with ease and sauntered over to me, a cheeky grin plastered onto her painted face. She placed a hand on her cocked hip and smirked.

I was ultimately speechless at her entire display as I pulled her in with both hands resting on her waist.

Her cheeky grin was replaced by a genuine smile as she inhaled. Her hands snaked around my neck as I looked down at her.

Her eyes were powerful as they captured mine...I found that I was trapped by their azure charm.

I placed a thumb over her lips and carassed it lightly.

"You made me believe." I whispered. I felt her press into me tighter as I traced down to the side of her neck.

The noise around us had become mute.

Her eyebrows rose in question. "Believe in what Hiccup?"

"That Thor is a woman." I grinned, dipping my head and meeting her lips with my own. I kissed her with longing and need as she kissed back with as much as everything I had given.

I moved my hands to her hips and tightened my grip as we kissed. I didn't care who was watching or if anyone bothered to pay attention to us.

"I'm so blessed." She managed to say, after we pulled away slightly for air. "That I have you."

"As do I, Milady. As do I." I said gently, getting lost in her gaze once again.

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