A Midnight Talk

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May contain spoilers :p


"Hiccup don't run away from this!" Gobber warned.

"We've done it Gobber; Berk is the ultimate dragon utopia; what more is there? The Berkians are happy." I reasoned, rubbing Toothless's head as he appeared beside me.

"You're thinking about this all wrong; you have to halt the rescues. For Thor's sake its overcrowded! Resources are getting more difficult to come by with such high demand."

I shake my head as I continued to block him out. No. We can't stop. The rescue riders need to continue saving enslaved and captured dragons. Who will if we don't?

Gobber sighed deeply. He placed a heavy hand on my shoulder. "Chief, just think about what I said ay? It's getting late, you should get some shut eye."

Gobber left the great hall, leaving only Toothless and I seated at one of the tables. Empty cauldrons were scattered everywhere, one to three baby Gronckles slept in unoccupied bowls and a lone Zippleback was fast asleep on the floor.

I sighed and rested my head on the table. Toothless noticed my distress and purred softly, nuzzling my hair.

"It's all right bud." I raise my head and rested ontop of his instead. "I'll figure it out. Lets go for a flight, to clear my mind."

We headed out of the hall and took off. I looked back down onto Berk to find many lit torches and empty pavements in the still of the night. It was the only time in the day things were not hectic, until dawn approached. It was also the only time Toothless and I could afford to be away for a bit.

I heard a familliar squak of a Nadder behind us, and a warm feeling descended upon my heart.

"Evening M'lady. Why are you up?" I greeted, evening Toothless's pace with Stormfly's as they caught up.

"Couldn't sleep and I am excited for tomorrow." She smiled.

"Technically it is tomorrow. Its past midnight. And whats' on again?" I asked.

"The wedding...." Astrid dragged out, frowning.

"Oh my gods." I facepalmed.

I had totally forgot that Fishlegs and Heather's wedding was today!

"Hiccup!" Astrid exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I was so caught up, I didn't realise." Toothless landed on a seastack, followed by Stormfly.

I dismounted and walked towards the edge, where the moon kissed the ocean's horizon. I sensed Astrid walking up behind me and stop.

I turned around to face her and noticed her worried expression.

"Hiccup, are you okay?" She asked, tilting her head.

The heavy weight in my chest was begging to be released. I bring my hand to the back of my neck.

"Gobber said we should stop the rescues...Berk's overpopulated, but I can't do that. I'm torn Astrid. Whats wrong and whats right?"

Toothless and Stormfly were laying down close by, eyes closed and resting. I approached the edge of the seastack and sat down, annoyance creeping into my heart.

Astrid sat down next to me.

"You don't have to say anything." I said, staring straight at the horizon.

"I do. Whenever you're confused or having a hard time, i'm here to help." She said.

"I don't know Astrid." I sighed.

"Heres what I propose. We continue the rescues with Valka but we don't bring them back to Berk. We bring them...to The Edge. The Auxilary team, except for Gothi, will be stationed there to monitor all dragons and to give them a place to call home. We don't have to bring them back to Berk anymore. Face it Hiccup, theres really not much space left for more dragons. I feel it, you feel it but you can't ignore it. I know you just want to protect and provide, but its not benefitting some of us."

I processed Astrid's suggestion and realised that it was reasonable and sounded better. We could continue the rescues, but just not bring them here.

"If you'd like, at dawn before the wedding, I could transfer some of the newer dragons to the Edge to free up some space." She offered.

"That sounds...amazing." I smiled, amazed.

My mind was finally clear and all the worries disappated. Every problem has a solution.

"See? All you had to do was consider it and now the worst is over." She shrugged.

"What would I do without you." I asked out loud. "C'mere you."

I gestured for her to scoot closer as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her hair. I closed my eyes and nuzzled into her neck, making her giggle softly.

She pulled away and looked up at me. "You're a great chief Hiccup. Don't think otherwise. Everything will be fine as long as you have us around. You will never be alone; you understand?" She placed a hand on my cheek reasurringly.

"Same here. I'm really lucky to have my mum, our friends, Toothless and you. You're my main voice of reason and I really need that with all this," I gestured to my oversized hair, making her laugh. "Going on."

Astrid kissed my cheek and laughed again.

"I love you, my warrior." I whispered, pushing a stray portion of her hair back.

"I love you too, my chief." She grinned.

I smiled backed and leaned in for a kiss, tilting my head to the side to deepen it. I felt her smiling into it as she kissed back with as much passion. We pulled apart but our lips met again in a mere second.

Astrid brought her hands around my neck and pulled me impossibly closer. I placed my hand at the back of her head and the other gripped at her waist.

We continued to kiss, as one of her hands around my neck travelled along my jawline, down my neck and rested on my chest.

The hand I had rested on her waist had somehow ended up pulling her closer into me by the small of her back.

"Love..." She whispered.

I felt Astrid's chest pressed against mine tightly by the time we stopped for air. We rested our foreheads as we caught our breaths.

I kissed her again, just a light peck, as I let my lips glide from her own, to her cheek and then to her neck. I stopped and rested my forehead on hers once more.

"We should do that more often." She said, still breathing heavily.

"I guess we should." I laughed.

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